Can't transmog Artifacts over Wands

I would much rather listen to my knaifu then look at another dumb wand, please fix :C
Please fix.

Also allow separate 1h and oh looks. Thanks.
"Constructive feedback is always welcome for any of our games. The best place to provide feedback for #Warcraft is our forums. "
Such a bad joke.
If this is an intentional design choice, this is the wrong forum for it. By Blizzard's own rules, a design choice you disagree with is not a bug, and if you complain about a non-bug in the bug reports forum it'll be ignored.

Fire up a design change suggestion thread in General Discussion.
Same for my mage, can't xmog my artifact onto my wand, please fix this Blizzard!
Yup. Got my mage started on leveling. Got a wand. Can't xmog it.

This really needs fixing.
Any blues can confirm whether or not it is intended and when or if it will be fixed?
10/19/2018 06:21 PMPosted by Aeldon
Any blues can confirm whether or not it is intended and when or if it will be fixed?
No, the blues will not confirm anything. They don't do that.

Bug reports is one-way: user reports bug, user goes away.

And since this isn't a bug, posting or bumping here is a waste of time.
Bump, just lvled a spriest and only have a wand as weapon and cant tmog into my talkative dagger!
Bump wtf blizz
Take a bump
Wands should have been removed with throwing weapons.
10/25/2018 06:39 PMPosted by Bear
Wands should have been removed with throwing weapons.

Eh, I'm cool with them still being around, they just really, really need to make 'em work with the artifact weapons.
10/19/2018 10:11 PMPosted by Sniperorc
10/19/2018 06:21 PMPosted by Aeldon
Any blues can confirm whether or not it is intended and when or if it will be fixed?
No, the blues will not confirm anything. They don't do that.

Bug reports is one-way: user reports bug, user goes away.

And since this isn't a bug, posting or bumping here is a waste of time.

Idk this seems like a bug to me
Bump! Want to transmog my beautiful disc priest staff but can't :(