Can't transmog Artifacts over Wands

Still no Blue attention? This has been an issue for a long time. Got a massive upgrade in the form of a wand, popped an expensive weapon enchant on it, only to find that I can't mog it into my artifact. Sad.
I thought it would be fixed by now, but no. I hate the look of wands, they are massive, and wands should be small.
It's been months and literally no word from blizz?
Fix. This. Please.
I spent a lot of time getting each and every single one of Mage tower appearances for 5 characters. They weren't the hardest thing I've ever done in WoW, but they were a ton of fun. It feels really bad not being able to show them off because I'd be gimping myself using a 370 staff over a 385 weapon/385 off-hand.

I know its taboo, but having a Blue post at least acknowledge the issue would be really nice. Also, wands serve no purpose in modern WoW. We don't run out of mana, there is no time in which we can't cast our spells. Most of the transmogs I put together in Legion featured my artifact weapon. I spent many hours in Legion farming up appearances because I knew(or thought) I would have them for all time.
Same issue for me! Get us some Blue!
Same problem. Didn't know whether or not it was a bug but now it seems as though it is. This post has been up since late August and no response?
I really hope they plan on changing this in their next patch.. I'm sad I can't use my artifact weapon appearances :[
10/27/2018 10:20 PMPosted by Vylastus
Still no Blue attention? This has been an issue for a long time. Got a massive upgrade in the form of a wand, popped an expensive weapon enchant on it, only to find that I can't mog it into my artifact. Sad.

Not blue, but a ticket reply or reddit reply it appears.

Stating Wands were left out on purpose and will remain that way. GG blizz, give me gear that I wont use now. Thanks, not wearing an ugly wand, Ill take the ilvl hit.
I just got a wand too, had the best stats for my lock and sadly yes, I cannot transmog the weapon to something much cooler, I worked my !@# off for the Affliction Scythe, so let me mog it damn it!
11/05/2018 03:57 PMPosted by DĂŚmĂ´nic
Stating Wands were left out on purpose and will remain that way. GG blizz, give me gear that I wont use now. Thanks, not wearing an ugly wand, Ill take the ilvl hit.

That's terrible. Why would they do that? It's not like we actually USE the wands to shoot with (unless, say, you have the boss targetted and accidentally shoot it, making the rest of the raid mad OR amused . . . just an example. >.<)

Someone was asking about it in general chat and I thought "how odd, they should be able to xmog over it" till I got one on my lock, and couldn't mog my artifact over it. People EARNED many of the appearances. They should be able to display them no matter what, especially since in most other cases, it works.
Tbh fam, if we can't transmog over wands, I'd just as soon want them to be removed from the game entirely. In 8.1, we're getting fist weapon restrictions lifted, why not wands? I think more people have complained about wands than anything else.

There are some technical reasons why we currently can’t transmog artifacts over wands. Essentially, wands give you a range attack ability that the other weapons types in the game do not currently have an action or animation for. Blizzard hasn’t worked out a way to get around this yet, and it is probably pretty low on the totem poll atm. Probably not what you were hoping for, but that is the reasoning they have given as recently as at Blizzcon this year.

Bump again. Please fix the technical issue the wand attack so I can use my artifact appearance.

Then let’s get rid of shoot? It’s an altogether useless ability, and in the case of disc priests it can even bug out our casts.

I mean, I won’t be able to swap out my wand for a long time anyways (385 from taloc, oh boy). And it sucks to have worked so hard for my artifact appearances and then not be able to even use them, after Blizzard said they would allow us to keep them.

I like how the only blizzard blue post I’ve seen regarding this issue is something on the lines of: But hey! Now you get to run old raids just to get wands Xmogs isn’t it cooool?!

Link? That sounds hilarious(ly terrible)

No change on this after all this time? :frowning:

Agreed quite frankly.

This is not a bug. There is nothing to be fixed because of a simple reason that someone stated earlier in the thread.

Wands are RANGED weapons. All of the artifacts for priests, warlocks and mages are melee weapons. Staffs, daggers etc are all melee.

Likewise beast master / Marksmen hunters cannot mog their guns / bows / crossbows into polearms / staffs. The inverse applies to warriors, who can still “use” bows / crossbows / guns.

It would be weird if they made wands suddenly become a melee weapon. Who melees with a wand anyway?

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