Can't transfer level 1 character?

but that is taken from the blue post. You can understand where the confusion comes from.

Well then if anything I suppose it is to try and get the blue post from today corrected so that people know what is going on and don’t have to sift through it all for proper verification and figure out which is correct.

Also just a random tip, no idea how true it is… I’ve always been told you want your bank alt to be lvl 10 as that is the lvl that Blizz then starts to save the contents of that character. So if for some reason there is a reset the items for that toon may be unrecoverable.

Besides that reason, at lvl 10 you can make your bank alt an Enchanter, that way you can mail all the greens to that alt to DE at will. So take the 1-2 hrs to get it to lvl 10 and it’ll be worth it.

Trying to ninja the guild bank, I see you!!!

Didn’t realize you made both posts. You should replace the first one with this instead

I didn’t “make” either. They are copy/pastes. The blue post on the forums literally says 1-30

The fact OP’s lvl 1 cannot transfer leads me to believe lvl 1 characters cannot transfer.

3rd post in this thread

15th post in this thread

I think we know which one is actually correct by now?

Most people are going to go right to the blue post on the front page over this one… which says 1-30

I’m pretty sure it’s verified considering you tried to transfer your Level 1 to no avail. Hence they made a typo/oopsie and Level 10 is the correct information.

You can wait around to see if they ‘fix’ it, or hit 10 in licketysplit time (And DE things).

Or they exceeded the 100g limit. Has anyone with less than 100g been able to transfer a level 1 or not?

We’ll never know since he seems so intent on everyone to hold his hand.

The support article on character transfers states that it’s min level 10 and that applies to all characters plus classic character have extra restrictions.
There is no grey area.

Except the blue post on the front page.

which nowhere says that Classic does not follow the same rules for transfers therefore it’s not a grey area.

actually even has a link to the support article showing needs level 10

Blue post:

when you click for more info like it says:

"Paid Character Transfers are now available for players in WoW Classic who are looking to relocate their characters to a different realm within their region. There are a few things to keep in mind before you take the leap into making a home on a new realm.

  • Each transfer has a ninety-day cooldown.
  • Gold transfer limits specific level ranges are as follows:
    • Level 1-30 can transfer with up to 100 gold
    • Level 31-50 can transfer with up to 500 gold
    • Level 51-60 can transfer with up to 2000 gold
  • Characters cannot transfer from PvE realms to PvP Realms and RP realms cannot transfer to RP-PvP realms."

Gold transfer limit just denotes how much gold one can take
it does not say level 1 can transfer, since that is already covered under the level 10 minimum for transfers