Can't start Shadowlands Content

So this character WAS a Pandaria Remix character but I haven’t seen Darion in Orgrimmar at all. I can go to Oribos but none of the quest NPCs (not even Bolvar) are there. No campaign quests show up, I can’t choose a covenant, it’s like the game cannot help me.

Yes, I used the guide for starting it, the but the problem is, it does not show up on bulletin boards even with “Low Level Quest” turned on. Nothing is allowing me to start it on this character.

Only thing I can think of trying is try doing the previous expansion to Shadowlands intro, which in this case, is Battle for Azeroth. Only the introduction questline into the expansion, then try and see if there is anything pops up for Shadowlands quest line.

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No luck. Thank you for this suggestion though!

Update: Okay thanks to a lovely player in Trade chat, I have found the solution.

The intro War Within quest just THANOS SNAPS the death knights out of existence and will not allow them to show up until it is complete.


The main workaround is to get a different player to make a new toon, go to chromie select shadowlands, invite you to group. Use that option that sincs the party. Fly over to where you pick up the shadowlands quest (where chromie sends them) and you can get it there. The other player does not need to go to shadowlands. You can do all the skips and pick a covenant and be done in a few minutes. You can also buy some covenant levels from the guy by the oribos flight master.