Can't Start Mag'har Orc Unlock Quest

I’ve gotten to 50 with a Forsaken Mage, then unlocked four of five horde allied races with no issue. I have unlocked the Ready for War achievement. When I go to the Orgrimmar Embassy and click the Mag’har banner, it shows green that the pre-requisite is met. I leveled this mage after 9.0.1 via Exile’s Reach and the Horde BfA content.

Ji does not have a quest to start to unlock Mag’har, though he did for the other four races. I have not previously accepted and dropped the quest, and I cannot find any way to start it or continue from a failed attempt in Org or Daz.

Please help, this is the last race to unlock and I am fully perplexed. I have found no answers anywhere online or within the game. I can only think that this is some bug in the game as I think this quest should be available.

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I am having the same issue. Even checked my other character thinking maybe I picked it up already and forgot. Nothing.
Don’t know how to get, thought about sending a help ticket in.

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I did try the ticket route before posting here. They gave a rather generic response with some knowledge base things to try or some things to check online (WoWHead), none of which helped. The last thing the ticket info mentioned was filing a bug report, so I posted here and filed a bug in-game.


so i just realized you pick up the quest at the portal from from the teleporter guy in Zandalar


Hmm I will try this. Thank you

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NP i was having the same issue and was like where does this quest even start.

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So I checked today in Zandalar, if you mean Eitrigg he has no quest. He just lets me ask what he knows about the Mag’har and it gives me the same as the Org Embassy banner, says I have unlocked the achievement but there is no quest to start or resume.


I am having the exact same problem atm, Got the cheivo, and no quest. Checked in with Eitrigg in Grommash Hold, Portal room, and on board the Queen’s wail no quests except low level ones in Grommash hold. and he’s not in the embassy. Sent in a ticket.


So all the guides and stuff say Eitrigg starts the quest but for me the Arcanist guy infront of him in the portal room actually started the quest. Hopefully that helps


Hey there, thanks for the help! I have been to the portal room over and over (saw this fix mentioned in knowledge base) and the portal trainer guy has nothing for me other than the training menu on my Mage. I even went as far as getting a new priest to 45 and still can’t get the quest on him.

I am still stuck, so I went back to Alliance for the pre-patch stuff. I will file another ticket at some point and try to get some live help in-game.

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hey there, i had the same issue, with no questline available. I finally heard back from a GM in game;


Apologies for the delayed response.

We are aware of an issue where allied races are not available for use for some accounts after being successfully unlocked or issues completing the unlock.

Unfortunately, we do not currently have a workaround for this and are investigating. Please submit a Bug Report (link below shows how) with your experience."


And this bug is still around on January 27th, 2021 … Last night I finished up getting the Ready for War achievement on my lvl 51 goblin mage and no quest for the Mag’har Orc’s at the embassy or as some talked about in Zandalar… it is no where to be found. sigh



just did the achieves to unlock the race and I have the same issue.

They won’t fix it.

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I’ve just run into this issue myself, went through everything to unlock the Zandalari last night, then thought I’d go ahead and do what was needed to unlock the Mag’har, but couldn’t find anything as of April 12, 2021. What I did see was a seemingly unrelated quest just generically named “Caverns of Time” which didn’t jump out at me as peculiar since I’ve done a lot of toon hopping & grinding rep in CoT instances lately. It wasn’t until I opened my quest log to see if I’d missed anything, and it was only there that I was given any indication that it was connected to the Mag’har.

Suggestion to Blizzard: it’s quite handy to have the Quest Objectives list on the right side of our UI, but it’d be particularly useful for something like this to clearly state it’s part of a quest chain to unlock an allied race. It’d save a lot of frustration and needlessly running all over Azeroth and the interwebs to find the solution to a problem easily rectified by a few additional words in the quest objectives.


This was very helpful, thank you! I checked my map and the list of quests on the right side and there was a section called “Mag’har Orcs” and it tells me to go to the Caverns of Time. This has been so frustrating so far! But thank you again!


Go to the Hall of Ancient Path inside the Great Seal in Dazar’alor(The quest hub area). Talk to the Chief Telemancer Oculeth. He will give you the Caverns of Time quest that starts the chain. Have fun!


as of November of 2022 you can find the maghar orc quest in the cavern of times with some weird dragon in the main chamber good luck

ive had this issue for some time. i unlocked every race on both sides but the orcs. i abandoned every quest and still couldn’t get it to give the quest. i went through the portal in orgammar to Zuldazar. and the npc elf was there buty had no quest marker on him in Hall of Ancient Path. but i clicked him anyway and all he said was was i ready to go. i clocked him and it took me straight into a scanario. and i finished it and then it teleported me back to orgammar and it completed the unlock no quest ever appeared in my logs

Saved me from a depressive episode :rofl::sob: THANK YOU!!

Now in July of 2023, this still hasn’t been fixed and is STILL AN ISSUE. Quest start is in a completely unrelated spot in Zandalar, with no lead in quest from the embassy. Thank god for this thread making up for blizzard not giving a f about their player base.

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