Cant start M+ groups in queue

And that glitch was fixed fairly quickly. The NEW glitch started with the patch on Tuesday, and isn’t affecting only those without 2 step verification. It is affecting many who do have an authenticator and SMS active as well.


Yea; if M+ is your main content you just straight up can’t play the game


…so LFG can get flooded with even more “[WTS] M+15 boosts” garbage from the flood of bot accounts that suddenly become able to post? No thanks.


Very constructive.

That’s me. I hope Blizz gets this resolved soon since it is pretty much the only reason I log on.


Good news. Appears fixed


They said they are aware and working on it. What more do you want. Posting over and over you can’t que your key does nothing constructive.

I can’t provide any input to the spinning locked UI part, but if you are like me and you try to list your own key but the list button is greyed out and says add a title in red error tooltip text (which you can’t do without SMS even if you have a phys auth), then what helped me, was fill out everything I could for the run (min ilvl, min rating), then change the top right drop down from mythic to heroic (which temporarily removes the settings, then change it back to mythic plus, and the list button finally went from grey to red and I could list my own key (and all the settings were retained for me).

I can’t speak for everyone, but on my side, the number of WTS listings has stayed the same as before the 2factor change. There was a temporary dip for about 2 weeks for me, but after that back to tons of WTS listings per day (I still report them every day). No visual reduction in the number of listings. I don’t know if it is just my server/region group or if it is global though. So at least for me, the change only has had negative repercussions with no net positive ones. Hopefully it is better for others.

Far as I’m aware, we should both be seeing the exact same ads (and groups) now that cross-faction grouping is a thing (and I seriously doubt the spammers are enabling horde or alliance-only listings, considering they want to show their ads to as many people as possible).

I remember there was a nirvana of absolutely zero ads in the LFG searches when 2FA was implemented as a requirement… for all of two days before the spam started again.

…that said, I actually haven’t seen any ads at all in the past couple days, even with my usual searches to bring them up to the forefront… :thinking:

that’s definitely odd. I saw a bunch last night when I was fishing for a high key I could join. I didn’t check during the day though.