Cant start Drustvar

I decided I was going to finish the BFA questlines, and I cant get the main quests for Drustvar or Stormsong Valley. Ive finished Tiragarde sound, done War campaigns. When I got to the scouting map there is nothing there. I have done all requirements. 100% Tiragarde sound. Ive used scripts to see if I completed something in the quest chains and they are all false. Basically just completely stuck from a game breaking bug until Blizzard decides to fix it. GM’s said they wouldn’t help and to report as a bug to Blizz.


Same here did they ever answer you?


Login and try this:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(47961))

To see if you completed the Drustvar introduction quest.
If you did then you can travel to Fallhaven in Drustvar and try speaking with Cyril White (56.2, 35.2)

Ya Ive tried everything and checked all areas for the quest chain and there is nothing. Ive spent over 15 hours trying every solution and nothing works. GM’s cant do anything to help either. so Im just stuck until Blizzard decides to fix it.


It seems if you didn’t pick it up from the scouting map before you reach max level you will not be able to start it at all. Same with Stormsong Valley.

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Ya Its either that or I did the entire war campaign so I thought maybe that put me in a different shard so I couldn’t use it.

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That’s possible. I did the same thing.

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ya if thats the case its dumb they would let you do it out of order and then have it break entire questlines. But thats what im thinking happened.

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I’m have the same problem, I’ve completed all other quest in Bfa but can’t pick up Drustvar quest from the scouting map, won’t let me accept it. I’m thinking it might be a bug if you complete all the war campaign first.


thats what im thinking. Cant do Drustvar or stormsong and did war campaign. and we all share same thing in common of finishing war campaign. I guess we just have to keep reporting the bug and hope blizzard fixes the issue. but its pretty grim since its been here since BFA

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Ya, very frustrating, I’ve reported it as a bug and also made a ticket so I’m hoping it will be addressed soon.


I dont want to be the bearer of bad news I put in a ticket and 3 GM’s said they wouldn’t help me and to report it as a bug. I hope you have better luck and they help out. Just a shame the bug has been in the game so long and is completely ignored, especially since its not a small bug and is game breaking.

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In case anyone was curious, I tested out a theory I saw elsewhere that earning friendly reputation would somehow cause the quest to appear. It does not. I think you guys are both right, completing the war campaign before getting the quests breaks the quest chain. It’s a shame too.

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only thing we can really do is keep sending bug reports with as much info as possible. Its quite unfortunate

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Back in my ESO days there was an achievment breaking bug in the Wrothgar Zone. GMs told me to file a bug report every day. Three months later they finally fixed it. I think that’s our best bet. Cheers to you friends.

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ya Im going to keep reporting with max detail every day I can

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Too bad GMs can’t just force start a quest. Or have a command that does it. Seems like it would be a pretty simple fix.

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yep thats what I asked one to do and they said the devs don’t allow us to do that, we have to follow strict guidelines set by the devs. Most annoying shid ever. Just have something permanently broken that you have to pay a subscription for.

I wonder what changed? I remember when GMs used to have real power.

So GM Felehetwia helped me out and maneuvered my character to where I could pick up “The Vanishing Lord” and start the quest chain. Guardsman Bray is at coordinates 71.6 40.6 in Drustvar. Right over the bridge from Tiragarde Sound. Hopefully you guys will be able to pick up the quest from him like I did. Also looking for a fix to Stromsong but for now this is a big help to me. Best of luck adventurers!


This is unfortunate and something I will have to look out for while doing Loremaster :frowning: . I’m nowhere near starting BFA, so can’t test this.

It could be that there’s a quest you’re on preventing you from interacting with the scouting map. Do you have any other BFA quests?


Just read the quote. Disregard my question.

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