Oh a GM helped you out? I might try another ticket then, because this bug just seems it will never be fixed
Yes. Did you try looking for Guardsman Bray? He should offer the quest âThe Vanishing Lordâ which will start you on Drustvar. As far as I know thereâs no workaround for the scouting map not working. This way bypassses needing to use the map.
Youâre an actual god. This work around works for me for Drustvar. any idea how to skip the map for Stormsong?
So Itâs definitely a phasing issue. The only workaround I was able to find is if you have a friend who hasnât finished BFA or the war campaign accept the quest âStormsong Valleyâ but not turn it in share it with you. Only that first quest in the chain is sharable. I have it now and am willing to share.
that would be sweet if you could share it with me. Dryade of Cenarius
OMG!!! Will you be my friend and share it with me? I have been trying to find a way to do SV for days now!
I tend to be on in the wee hours of the morning Pacific time, but I will set an alarm and meet you whenever to get this done!
Thank you so much!
I sent friend requests to you both and I should be on for most of the day today.
Can you resend it? Iâm on now to receive it
If itâs cross server, you might need to use my bnet ID Freyas0wn#1728
Nevermind this may not be the fix I thought it was.
I was looking into the Stormsong questline for you since that GM had you skip the first quest in the Drustvar questline.
After the scouting map quest is The Missing Fleet which requires you to talk to Taelia at 68,22 and ferry to Stormsong Monastery where youâll again talk to Taelia at 65.2,68.6 for the quest Searching for Answers.
Could you check these 2 spots and see if the scouting map is skipped altogether?
make sure youâve got trivial quest tracking enabled.
the character youâre posting on, has already done a significant amount of questing in Stormsong.
Youâre not going to be able to access the map at this point.
Youâre already 3/8 chapters in.
ooo I didnât even know that was a thing. Seems they both have the first storylines of both areas completed. Whereas I havenât even started them.
You deserve all the cookies.
yes I know all trivial quests are on, I found a way to bug out the last parts of Stormsong into working but cant get the beginning 4 chapters now. slowly just bugging my way through. so now its just the first 4 chapters or so that I need. I also use a quest tracker addon that shows all requirements and how to start them and what I have done. Bosunn found a way for me to skip map for Drustvar so that is now fixed. The main quests for Stormsong should be 1. Tidesages of Stormsong 2. House of peril 3. the growing Tempest 4. at the edge of madness 5. cycle of hatred 6. from the depths they come 7. brairback kuhl 8. Treasure in deadwash. It only let me 5,6, 7 and 8. Im unable to do the first 4 parts of the main in that area, so if anyone has the quest from scout map and will share it that would be dope
Have you tried that? I looked through your quest logs and you havenât, ironically, completed Searching for Answers
One of the top comments on Wowhead says that if you donât see her at the spot then try relogging
that is very ironic, but sadly I tried that and didnt work. I just tried it again and shes not there. She just sits by the scout map and no longer offers any quests :(. thanks for trying, I think the only way I can continue is maybe quest sharing. Bosunn did get drustavr to work for me so thats cool. I just need these 4 quests for Stormsong now
If you have trivial quests on, you should see a quest icon for any available stories. Iâm in Pandaria slowly reliving the past, I see them everywhere.
Perhaps try following any quest icons and hopefully youâll be put back on track?
ya sadly I have the Trivial quests on and there is none showing anymore in Tiragarde or in Stormsong. Tiragarde is 100% for any quests, and Stormsong has one side quest that needs to wait for reset and the 4 main quests. If u havent done bfa quests yet, I highly recommend to not touch war campaign until after u do tiragarde, drustvar, and stormsong. I believe it phases differently and so the map breaks and npcs move.
I would recommend finishing any quests you currently have and then coming back to this. You may have a quest in your current log thatâs interfering. Itâs happened to me that Iâm taking on too many storylines at once and one doesnât appear.
Not yet. Working my way up the storyline, Captain Taylor got promoted again. A shame for his ultimate fate
I actually have quests to multiple zones in Pandaria but I stick to one zone at a time so I donât get stuck at what youâre stuck at.
ya sadly it was even stuck when I completed areas and had no quests available. Just be extremely careful with BFA. Ive never had an area that has done something like this and whatever u do dont finish the war campaigns first.