Cant start demon hunter class hall quest

no such thing as a level 1 demon hunter :stuck_out_tongue:

ā€¦just go ahead and open the ticket.

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! Lol yea not level 1 though

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That might have been a factor. I donā€™t see any of the needed quests for starting Legion and your Class Hall and Artifact Weapon on that character so they ā€œshouldā€ be available. If they arenā€™t, weā€™ll need to take a closer look.


They arenā€™t man I literally completed enough quests of war chiefs board till I had all available quests off the board in my journal no legion quest :confused:

If you havenā€™t already, you need to file a ticket to have this looked into.


Have you looked through the Wowhead guide? Because once you exit Vault of the Wardens and turn in the quest to Kayn Sunfury, this is what was supposed to happen:

Iā€™m not sure if any if that helps or is still in your logs.

Just open a stuck on quest ticket thats the fastest way to get this resolved.

Those are the quests they should have, but for some reason they did not have the Horde versions of them (which should have happened when they faction changed).

Just as an update, it looks like a Game Master was able to get it straightened out. Hopefully, questing will be a little more straight forward now. :slight_smile:


Yip gm fixed thank you everybody