Can't start BFA "Re-rebuilding the A.F.M.O.D." Quest

4 months of people reporting this bug, and still nothing has been done! Are the software developers at Blizzard incompetent, or just lazy? They’ll shovel out whatever drivel is easy, like “Increased the mana regeneration effect on Meteorite Crystal to 85 (was 68).”, but when it comes to fixing a bug that’s actually problematic, they’re apparently entirely helpless. Do they not do any QA at Blizzard? Did they not think players would be interested in playing old content with the new race? The ineptitude with which this has been handled is astonishing.

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Yes, all of those things. They built this game but they are all of those things.


Chalk it up to laziness, incompetence, drivel, etc., you guys can go for it. Does absolutely nothing, but have at it. What’s a major, life-shattering bug for a few people just isn’t all that important in the grand scheme of things.

The quest is too old and there are too few people attempting it and complaining about it for it to make the radar.

So will it be fixed? Maybe. One day. Until then launching negativity at Blizz doesn’t do anyone any good. No amount of yelling or patronizing or threatening or having a meltdown is going to produce any results. You’ll just get angrier.

I humbly suggest you stop holding your collective breath for this to be fixed, but hold it, if you wish. I’m just trying to argue the side of logic and practicality, and respect for other humans, regardless of video game bugs.

I don’t understand where people learned that when they get slightly upset it gives them the right to just belittle people left and right, but, well, this is how we raise our kids in 2023. Don’t count to ten, don’t take a deep breath, just take your anger online and call someone incompetent, lazy and useless.

That’s really gettin’ us places as the human race. I can see that in the news daily.

I worked around it. (leveled a diff char)

But Blizzard should feel uncomfortable with being as lazy as they are as developers. Im a director at a fortune 10 company, and if anyone on my team was putting out half assed products like blizzard has been lately theyd be gone in a heartbeat.

Maybe not personal attacks, but they should understand your frustration.


What a disingenuous argument you are making. Are we supposed to clap for them for the things they do well and not expect a billion dollar company to make a very simple fix? People in this thread are not spewing hate, they are rightfully complaining that a game-breaking bug for some has yet to be fixed.

I for one did not renew my subscription because this bug prevented me from playing the character I wanted to play. Considering this quest is what prevents people from playing one of the races in the game, I would consider it to be more than “too old” for them to fix. It is quite literally blocking a feature of the game. That is a problem that deserves the attention of the development team and all the criticism that comes with it.


Was doing this quest chain on my evoker to unlock the Zandalari Trolls and couldn’t find the next quest, delighted to find out this has been bugged for 4 months now… What a waste of time.

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Throwing my hat in the ring… Just spent 3 days getting to this point to find out it’s bugged. What a feels bad moment.

As a very long time software engineer, it likely is incompetence from both engineers and management. Blizzard is well known to pay pretty poorly. Who do you get for low salaries? A combination of fanboys joining, junior level engineers, and senior by title only engineers.

This issue likely doesn’t get enough bug reports for management to ever prioritize this problem. Engineering is so bad there that introducing a new race & class simply stopped the quest line from continuing. Odds are the mediocre engineers have estimated it to take a decent amount of time, such that the effort isn’t warranted by management in-lieu of all the other issues for them to fix.

This bug is specifically the reason I cancelled my subscription. Not coming back to WoW until its resolved.


4 months, Blizzard. It can’t be that hard to fix it…


I just submitted a ticket about this today, and really wish I’d known about this starting the process. I’ve had about four exchanges with GMs so far, and they’re mostly just feeding me pre-canned language. I asked if they could open the next quest, or the starting quest for the Zandalari Troll unlock. I said that, if the code kept that from being feasible, then I’d like to request a character boost to roll a different race character to complete the quest chain. I even told them that I’d be happy to delete the new character (or have them delete it) once the Zandalari Trolls are unlocked. So far, nothing, but I think that last option seems perfectly reasonable, since it doesn’t really cost them anything. We’ll see what happens, I guess. So frustrating that this has been going on for months, though…


Same boat as everyone else. This is absolutely heart breaking. I’ve been doing this on my off time over the last three weeks and had plans for a zan-Troll hunter that will likely not come to fruition.


An update: after submitting a number of tickets, I was told by a mod that this was scheduled to be fixed in the 10.0.7 patch, which should be going active today. I’m not holding my breath, but we’ll see if anything’s changed once the patch is applied…

I can confirm on my Horde Evoker that the quest is now available.

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Good news then, but I wonder if dracthyr will finally be able to get rep with Kirin Tor and every other bugged faction for them!

After restarting my game i decided to take Nathanos’ quest Minesweeper about disabling the landmines, when i finished it the next quest in the chain involving Talanji was available. They apparently decided to take the goblin out of the equation. Hope this helps somebody.

Can you elaborate more on this? Is the A.F.M.O.D. quest still bugged or did you find a work around?