Cant send residual memories

Ya appologies if this has already been posted/answered but i cant find it anywhere. I’m trying to send one of my alts the Residual Memories to get some gear (they have some too so not a fresh character) but the [Transfer] button isnt there, am I missing something?


None of my currencies are transferrable since a hotfix today…still waiting on word from Blizz what is going on?

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I believe you need to be on the toon you want to give it to rather then the giver. You’d see a window up saying something like:

Transfer from X toon in amount of A
Transfer to Y toon in amount of A

The bottom if the toon you’re giving it to. THey’d need to get at least one of the tokens for it to show up on their side.

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sadly ive gone on every character to do some type of transfer but the button doesnt even come up (no addons)


looks like people are currently having issues with all currency transfers

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They disabled it and are working on a fix.