have you unlocked kelsey steelspark for your mission table on said alliance alt? shes the one that appears to you in boralus so maybe theres some shenanigans with that?
I think that isn’t needed. All my toons have access regardless of their progress with the War Campaign.
When I unlocked them I remember there being a bug and the pickup wasn’t where I expected. First the lady was below deck on Boralus on the boat with Matthias on it. Then she swapped to sitting on top of a bookshelf in the embassy. Hopefully you can find her in one of those spots
They got back to me again and they say my alt, Null, that I posted above, is on the quest already and that if I go to Mechegon I’ll find the NPC to follow up with. I swear to dog, I’ve gone though all my quests on her with a fine tooth comb and I don’t see no Mechagnome unlock quest. She literally has eight quests:
- One is the SL start quest
- Two are Anniversary
- One is the Stormsong zone start quest
- One is from the AQ gate opening (LOL fun to share that one with guildies sometimes)
- One is the 12 pilgrimage scrolls quest
- Two are pet battles
aaaand that’s it. I’ve looked at the map of Mechagone and I sure don’t see any ? or ! for the unlock quest.
But I’m headed there anyway. We’ll see.
(Their message below for those following the saga)
Hail and Well Met, I am Specialist Game Master ------------ bows
I’ve been going over your concerns here and checking over your account and your character, Null, I am showing that you have already started the quest chain to unlock Mechagnomes as an Allied Race.
This is why you are not seeing the starting quest.
If you travel to Mechagon itself near the center of the Island you should see a quest from Kelsey Steelspark called “Someone Who Can Help”.
This is the next quest in line for you and once you complete that quest and its follow-ups you should have Mechagnomes unlocked.
Thank you for your time and patience here.
Edit: Been flying all over the island and no Kelsey and no quest so far. Making a Kelsey targeting macro.
Holy phasing, Batman! Kelsey didn’t show up until I was right on top of her. But I now have the quest Someone Who Can Help which is the follow-up to Waning Energy which I absolutely did not have in my quest log. But running this from WoWhead /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(57486)) shows the quest completed. I dunno.
My guess is I may have started this back in the “Mechatorque is fading fast” spam days of BfA and somewhere along the way with the changes and the squish everything bugged out. But apparently I’m back on the unlock quest now. So… yay.
I agree that sounds like something went real weird…
I’m glad you’ll be able to unlock us, even if you’re not interested in Mechagnomes.
I would like to say that I didn’t have much interest either in Mechagnomes when I unlocked them so I would ask that you give us a chance, but even if you don’t or find you still don’t have an interest I am very happy we’re at least unlocked for you!
Mechagon Prevails!
You need to start the intro to Nazjatar. About 15 quests in–a gnome will appear on a mechanostrider and ask you to talk to someone in Boralus.
That’s the start of the quest line. You then need to complete the entire island quest chain…which is fairly lengthy.
There’s a bug right now–because the Prince of the island gives you a quest for the Mechagon dungeon (which you can skip via text option), but the completion of that dungeon is directly tied to the Mechagon Threat achievement.
So once you skip the dungeon, the achievement still pops–even though you have not completed any quest chains for the actual achievement.
Look up the “Mechagnonian (I know that’s spelled wrong) Threat” under your achievement search function. It should pull up the achievement title with a list of all the smaller quest chains that lead to it.
That’s what happened to me. The island culminates in the dungeon run–but for some reason we get that quest almost immediately and are granted the whole meta achievement without actually accomplishing anything for it to be rewarded to us.
I leveled a Mechagnome Death Knight and just pretended he was Darth Vader’s separated conjoined twin that never developed until I earned the transmog then deleted the character.
You may need to have the alliance questline completed front to finish. I remember I hit that wall when I was unlocking Kul’Tirans.
Oh, I haven’t unlocked them yet. I just did a couple quests of the chain and went back to other stuff. I know, right? It’s the ADD. Plus, I’m just not super interested. For now, I’m satisfied to be back on track to unlocking them. I’ll get back to it eventually.
do u have low level quest on?
I know that feeling! lol
Nonetheless! I’m glad you’re on your way.
I’m happy you were able to get it worked out Peppermint