I can’t see myself ever playing a mechagnome but I’m kind of a completist and I seem to have everything I need done to unlock them. When I click on the banner in the embassy it even shows all the requirements green and completed but… no mechegnomes and no quest to unlock them. So, I’m kind of at a loss. Only thing I can think is that none of my Alliance alts are 60? They’re all in the 50s. Maybe we need to be max level to get the quest?
I dunno. It’s just weird that I’ve done what I need to to unlock them but … nada. But, you know, like I said, I’m not going to play one. It just slightly bugs me to see them greyed out on my character select screen because my brain is dumb.
Edit: This has been resolved. It’s all in the thread.
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How much of the Mechagon questline did you complete.
The race is so disgusting and unnecessary even artificial intelligence doesn’t want you to unlock them.
Kind of a simple answer, but have you tried relogging? Sometimes that gets things to appear if they don’t at first.
Also do you have the achievement The Mechagonian Threat done? Like including the last part with the dungeon? You don’t have to actually do the dungeon, you can talk to Erazmin after grabbing the dungeon quest and there’s a skip option for it. But that has to be done too.
All of it.
Yeah, I thought that might do it but nothing so far.
Yes. I did the whole thing, including the dungeon, Horde-side. I then did it all again but with the skip Alliance-side.
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Do you have some other quest active that’s phasing Stormwind?
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I don’t think so unless the Shadowland opening phases all of SW.
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The Mecha-gnome recruitment starting quest, isn’t in Stormwind.
It’s in Boralus, by the flight master.
Read that on Wowhead so I went to Boralus but there was nothing there either.
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Did you go the flight-master? It was bugged prior to Shadowlands, It kept appearing for me, every time I entered Boralus on my alts, even though I had already unlocked Mecha-gnomes. 
A gnome should either appear to follow you on a Mechnostrider or there will be a gnome next to the flight master. Unless they changed it? Due to the bug? 
Just doublechecked by the flight master and nothing.
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How strange?
Only other thing I have, but you said you already checked WoWhead. Is that it shows Kelsey (the gnome) over by the fountain kind of the middle of everything. There doesn’t happen to be a quest over in that area, is there?
If not, then I’m kind of stumped. Wonder if they fixed the previous bug, but made a new one in the process? 
Oh another thing, but I doubt this is the case.
But have you started Nazjatar on that character, your attempting to do it on? I believe that was also required at one point
Doesn’t say anything about it but I wonder if I have to reach a certain point in Nazjatar.
I’d probably just go through and abandon any major storyline quests from the past few expacs that take you anywhere near SW. And double check that Chromie time is off.
I have the Nazjatar base open on my Alliance alt. I think I’ve done everything I need to there. I dunno though. Wonder if I need to hit rank three with one of the dudes.
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You had to do into Nazjatar intro to be able to go to Mechagon in the first place.
Hmm… don’t think so, as Wiggly said it’d only be the intro bit.
Okay, according to a different page on WoWhead it does say Urgent Care the quest that starts the questline can also be obtained in Stormwind Embassy from Aysa Cloudsinger.
Or it can show up as a pop up quest in Boralus.
You checked stormwind first? Judging by the first replies…