Can't resub using gold in my warbank

Hello, I have more than enough gold in my warbank to resub using gold but it won’t let me. It says I don’t have enough gold on my server. I keep all of it in my warbank. Is there a workaround for this? Thanks

Not really no. The token system isn’t designed to get gold from the warbank currently. You can try putting in a ticket to request a day of game time (assuming you’ve never made that sort of request before) and they’ll look into it.

That said, my understanding is that they are no longer offering a day of game time, but you’re welcome to ask. I just don’t want you to think that it’s something they’ll definitely do.

Otherwise, you’d need to add game time to get the gold out of the warbank to use for a token.

Keep in mind, you can keep a token (or multiple tokens) on a retail character and they can be used by any WoW account on your to add game time from the character selection screen. Just something to think of for the future :wink:


Hey, I submitted a ticket and I was gifted 24 hours for free. Thanks for your suggestion!