Can't research trebalim

It says that another toon is researching trebalim but that is not true. Not sure why I cannot start the research for this when all the other requirements are met. Also, as a side note my gear isn’t upgrading to the cypher lvl 2/6 even tho im well over 3k rep.


I am having the exact same issue. I’m a DH on the Bleeding Hallow realm. It’s impossible that another character is researching it as I only explore these on 1 character

Same issue I’m seeing and only one toon is working on the content so no way another toon is “already researching it” Mal’Ganis Server

same issue here. pretty frustrating to have a bug on the thing we’ve been time-locked out of. stupid system. please fix

Same issue here.

Same freaking issue. Been timelocked out of this stuff, was trying to keep up with it, and now I can’t do it because their game is bugged. uuuughhh…

Same here. I’ve only had 1 character running Zerith Mortis. This really should be a top priority as we’re already time-gated enough. Now a bug is causing it to be that much longer?

Same here. Neither of my 2 characters can research it atm and I don’t have another character researching it.

Same here. Unable to research trebalim because it is being researched by another character on my account but this is false.

same. haven’t even gone to new area on an alt,so please fix

can confirm it is fixed

It’s worth noting that while the “researched by another character” bug may have been fixed, a number of people are reporting that when you press okay to confirm the spending of resources and are shown how long it will take, a confirmation sound effect will trigger, but neither will the research start, nor the resources be deducted.