Blizzard is shamming out again. Solo RBGs x3 that somebody on the team intentionally went to a flag and didn’t cap. He let the enemy cap and did no dmg. When match ended and tried to report we could not because he left. Blizzard please fix this.
You can just report during the match, no?
Bug reports are the other way anyway, you can move this thread with the pencil in your opening post.
Hello Stepaholic,
Reporting them in game is best. If you know of serious repeat offenders, you could perhaps bundle it up and send it into:
Wowhead had a link to a recent Blue post:
This article/Blue post is regarding the PVE side of things, but is a positive step. I would not be surprised to see similar actions on the PvP side…hopefully sooner rather than later.
The problem is at the end of the match you can’t report them if they leave
Right. Just do what ya can.
Supatease is an AWC caster and someone on the forums mentioned that he covers the pvp Blitz syncin’ problem while going over this article today. Maybe check that out. I highly doubt Blizz is unaware of these issues, esp given the recent M+ leaver actions. So hopefully something gets done. Buuut, this may not be an easy problem to solve or to prove to a sufficient level that action can be justified, or collateral damage minimized.
Do try and have fun, do report game throwin’ where/when ya can, and Happy Thanksgiving.
Anyway, fingers crossed
So if you can’t report them it’s either a bug or feedback, both which can be submitted through the ingame box or at the bug report forums.
Screenshots are a great way to jog your memory of a player misbehaving.