Can't Recover Deleted Characters due to Sulfuras Being Locked

Hey guys. Trying to give this yet another go. I’ve got 2 Deleted Characters that are completely unrecoverable due to Sulfuras being locked. Does anyone know when Sulfuras will become unlocked? I can’t even recover the Characters to transfer them over to Benediction. I’ve gone through customer support at least twice and there’s allegedly nothing they can do about it. I’ve got my main 80 Rogue and my 43 Hunter I was working on just floating in the void right now.

Edit: 7/21/2024 - Logged on today and not only have all my Characters that got deleted been restored, but the first time since Cata Classic launched Free Character Transfers are now available. Vrakthris coming in clutch and reaching out to pull me out of this dilemma, thank you and God Bless You All!

Since they are closing down this realm they will not re-open it. All (not-deleted) toons will be merged instead with another realm if no choice is made I presume.

That is unfortunately correct, you need atleast 1 toon to restore toons on an locked realm. CS will not bypass this restriction.


So my toons are absolutely gone forever even after the realm closure? They won’t merge my deleted toons to Benediction when the close they realm?

Just so we’re clear and I’m understanding this correctly: First off, there are currently no free character transfers. As it clearly states from what you shared that was back in Wrath Classic. Secondly, you can not transfer deleted characters as far as I’ve been made aware. Lastly, Sulfuras has been in it’s locked state forever. It’s still available on the realm list.

How does any of this help me?

The moment you deleted them, you should’ve braced for that they will be gone forever.

That said I’m not so sure about if deleted toons will be merged or not so maybe a Blizzardian or someone else can shed some light on that during office hours.


Why is it their fault that they’re listening to player feedback that players want players to play with and are closing down and merging low pop realms to make that happen, even offering free transfers?

They never even touched your toons - you deleted them yourself.


Because it’s easier to justify blaming mean old Blizzard and not accepting any kind of fault for your own actions.


If you are unable to see the option for a free character transfer in the Shop at the character select screen, then the option has been removed already.

Example image from before I moved my characters:


As far as I know, it will not be.

Generally speaking, the Game Master was correct. We usually cannot circumvent restrictions like that.

That said, while I can’t guarantee it as I don’t know what options are currently still active, but you might check to see if you can use the Free Character Move again, as Kyzera outlined. :slight_smile:


A small comment, as he has deleted toons he can’t transfer those since they must be first restored. Which the OP cannot as they have no toon remaining on a locked realm.

Their main inquiry would be whether if those deleted toons would also merge with the Sulfaras’s future realm?


I am aware, let’s just say those characters may now be available. :slight_smile: If the ability to transfer them is still active they may have the option to.

I don’t know, it seems unlikely.


Yeah the option was totally invisible for me ever since Cata Classic Launched and it left me totally hosed. Big update coming though, will post a comment shortly.

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