Can't quote anymore?

Troubleshooting this, are people posting from a phone or computer?

So let me ask this of those who are having issues. How are you quoting the person? If youā€™re highlighting and selecting the quote bubble that pops up (like I have been) Iā€™ve had no issues doing that doing exactly what the supposed issue is. Even when there wasnā€™t any embedded quote. If youā€™re clicking the reply button and then clicking the quote bubble in the top left to quote the entire post maybe that functionality is a little off? Not sure as I never do that.

on computer, using Chrome browser

Using mobile and using the first method you described.

It works sometimes. Other times it gives that message and removes the quote.

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Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve been doing. And I know how to quote.

Whatā€™s a xouple of typos between friends, Vad? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I feel your pain. My keyboard on my gaming laptop sticks about 45% of the time whenever I type an S or an E, and I have a nigh-pathological need to fix it. I can type about 90 WPM, but that number reduces drastically if I have to fix things because when I learned touch-typing, there werenā€™t mice so that we could go back and select things to fix typos. We had to just delete every single character typed since the typo happened and retype it all. And thatā€™s still my instinct. XD

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So it sounds like it might be a phone bug thing?

I donā€™t usually highlight specific bits unless itā€™s a long post; I just quote the whole thing using the button in the top-left of the post composition pop-up and go from there.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done this time and about every time, and thatā€™s almost certainly what Iā€™ve done every time I get the weird auto-edit notification. Which isnā€™t every time. :stuck_out_tongue: Thatā€™s the weird part.

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Possibly. I donā€™t use the forums on my phone and Iā€™ve never had an error message like whatā€™s been described wherein it removes the quote.

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Seems to be working fine for meā€¦ Might be a browser issue on your end. Try clearing your browser history and cache maybe?

Welp, I guess random bug is random. RNG has invaded forum quotes! :scream:


Right? Everything is rng!

Yep. It worked that time.

In that caseā€¦ I donā€™t even. :man_shrugging:

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I put a pic of the error

Yep, that is the one Iā€™ve seen too.

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Wow thatā€™s odd. Iā€™ve never seen that before.

Yeah, me either

So that means itā€™s not a bug. Itā€™s an error function thatā€™s intended to happen. The question is what, exactly, triggers it and thatā€™s something one of the forum moderators should be able to tell us.

Itā€™s been almost exclusively on the computer for me. I use my phone to browse the forums from time to time, but typing a decent reply is long and unrewarding, because itā€™s difficult to chain thoughts together when I can only read a few sentences of a longer post. Itā€™s just hella inconsistent. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeahā€¦ itā€™s 100% intended to happen, but what conditions spark it seem to be random, at best. Long posts donā€™t seem to trigger it any more than two-sentence posts when you just auto-quote the whole thing. It doesnā€™t happen every time, or even half the time.

Sometimes, though, it just happens. Iā€™ve had it hit three posts in a row before, but it probably hasnā€™t happened to me at all since early last week. And it always lets me just put the quote back in anyway, so itā€™s pointless. I brought this up on the forums once before, and more or less got the response of ā€œlearn not to quote the entire post, you plebeianā€ from random people who thought it showed a lack of tact to use the entire quote instead of, I guess, the 90+ percent of whatever post I was quoting that was relevant.


Testing big quote-all.

edit: okay, it worked this time. Replied and hit the speech-bubble. I get that system message about quoting the entire post (even one sentence) sometimes too. Itā€™s weird.

Thatā€™s kinda odd even for an intermittent issue. If youā€™ve gotten hit by it 3 times in a row let alone other instances it happened wherein other people have never even seen it, it smacks of either the process youā€™re using to quote or the browser/device youā€™re using to post triggering the error. Disregard the trolls as such responses arenā€™t relevant or productive. Unfortunately Iā€™ve tried a variety of things to get the error to trigger so the only thing I can suggest is to try to assess what the commonality is when the issue happens. Does it happen only on your phone for you or does it happen across multiple devices? Is there something youā€™re doing when the error pops up that you donā€™t always do? Is it only on posts with a specific thing in it (i.e. links or images or something)? Things like that. Beyond assessing what that difference is we have no way to replicate the problem aside from trial and error and that isnā€™t working, heh.

Hell, it could easily be an extension or addon somehow auto formatting the quote in a nigh imperceptible manner that the forums donā€™t like thatā€™s causing it to be kicked out. Particularly so if youā€™re using an up to date version of a popular browser on a PC (i.e. I use Chrome and always keep it up to date whenever an update is pushed).

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