Can't purchase sub

I keep trying to add game time, and I keep getting told something is wrong. “Heads up, something went wrong. select another payment method or try again later.” It’s the same method I’ve used for years, and the money is there. There’s no firewall or anything stopping it. Anyone else having this issue?

Try completely removing all payments in your wallet, then add a new sub with the payment you want to use.

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I did. still not working

For this account, Neppeta? I don’t see any purchase attempts, even failed ones. That usually means that you aren’t getting to that point in the process.

Can you try clearing your browser’s cookies/cache. Maybe try a different browser, Firefox, Chrome, etc…

Check if you have any viral or security programs running and try temporarily disabling those.

Im having a similar problem, I have tried to purchase game time, the money has been taken from my bank account but still hasn’t been added to my wow account.

Check your transaction history on your account. It’s likely still pending.

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It doesn’t appear so, Gloomybear. I see three failed purchase attempts. What you are seeing are held funds that should release back to the account because the purchase won’t complete.

From what I can see, I’d recommend contacting the provider your method of payment is with to ensure that they will allow the purchase.

yes, for this account. I’ve done all of that. I get as far as the ‘put your password in’ thing, and then get the error. everything was cleared, browser doesnt matter, it still fails, virus protection off, firewall, all that. I’ve never had a problem before.

So you error out before you are able to put your password in? Have you tried logging in first, then going through the shop?

Having the same problem myself. Get to the point where its 500: Internal Server Error.

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I am having the same problem. I was able to purchase a mount no issues, but when i try to sub 3 mins later it said, No.

no, I put my password in, then error out. and I’m signed in, then go to the shop. I sign in, go to the shop, subs, click on 3 months, do the payment selection, get told to put in my password, I do, then it says it’s “taking care of some business” then I get told " Heads up!
Something went wrong. Select another payment method or try again later."

Do you get the same error if you try to purchase a block of time through the shop instead of a subscription?


I am having the same problem also. I have 5 accounts on my Bnet account. 3 are active, 2 expire today. I tried adding a sub to the 2 expiring ones last night and it timed out, saying “taking care of some business” and gave the spinning Blizzard icon. Then nothing. I removed the two old payment methods on the account, updated all addresses, cleared my cache, cleared passwords, etc.

Tried again this morning, exact same thing happening. Can’t add payment method, can’t buy sub, can’t get anything to work.

The spinning thingie is often something blocking. Security software, programs that use overlays - functions that are turned off, blocked or not supported in browsers.

The best first thing to try is a different browser. I recommend removing ALL payment info - and replacing it fresh, even if it is the same information. See if that helps.

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Sooooo, here’s the crazy thing, I just added Paypal as my payment method, instantly worked. But when trying to add credit card/debit card, it times out.

Odd, that’s usually backwards from what often happens - glad to hear it worked though.

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I’ve only been using the shop to try. turns out the shop is the issue! I tried through the app, and it worked no problem. something’s weird with the shop.

I also have the same problem I have purchased game time for 1 month twice thinking the first time didn’t work. Can someone tell me if it’s just loading or if I need to do something to fix this.

From what I can see, Uglyoldtroll, the purchase attempted failed. I’d recommend double checking your Paypal account and make sure the method of payment is up to date and has been validated.