I have the Outlaw Rogue hidden artifact with tint 1, 3 and 4 unlocked, but I cannot progress tint 2 (the green one).
Tint 2
Requirement : Have the hidden appearance unlocked. The requirements were significantly loosened in Patch 7.3–you no longer need the hidden appearance equipped while completing a specific activity.
Acquisition : Complete 30 dungeons on any spec with any artifact weapon related to the class you earned the hidden tint on. Check out our Dungeon Guides here."
I meet all these requirements, but running dungeons, Legion or otherwise does not increase the total amount. It always stays at 0/30.
Can anyone please advise why? Blizzard support have been completely useless and advised me to read a wowhead link or reset my UI… and that took 2 days.
Just to touch on this: Blizz can’t help here because that’ll fall under game hints and the GMs, nor the blues here, are allowed to tell folks how to find hidden items, how long a rare is gonna take to respawn and the like.
This is not a game hint as I already have the hidden artifact so i don’t need to “find” it. This is purely about a counter not increasing when a task is completed.
There is most likely some problem or quirk going on.
Best I can tell you, Murder, is that it is a Legion requirement, therefore only Legion dungeons would count. Other dungeons and timewalking does not.
Your ticket also seems to indicate that you are working on the World Quests, not Dungeons.Are you doing both?
Which dungeons have you been running? Do you have the weapon equipped? I know you don’t have to have that appearance equipped, but I believe you still need the weapon itself equipped.
Hidden Appearances – You are no longer required to be using your current specialization’s Hidden Artifact Appearance to gain progress towards unlocking its 3 color variants. You can now gain progress towards unlocking the 3 color variants of your Artifact’s Hidden Appearances set while you are in any spec and using any Artifact appearance.
According to the first link it is tint 2 if the images are shown in order so that means it is 30 Dungeons. Hopefully this is right. Might have written it wrong in the ticket?
Regardless, I have run both BFA and tried a Legion dungeon (Maw of Souls) and no increase. I do not have the weapon equipped, but do have the appearance transmogged.
As Teufelgott says with the patch 7.3 notes and Vrakthris’s post, maybe I need to have it equipped… I will test tonight and update.
Did you acquire the hidden artifact on the rogue you are trying to get the skin variant on? If you haven’t, I’m assuming it is tied to that.
Acquiring the item and subsequent transmog on a different rogue, may not allow you to progress with what you are trying to do until you get the actual item on your current one. The system might just be that finicky.
Just to touch on this. You do not have to have the Artifact itself equipped. I just tested on my Shaman and she had a BFA weapon equipped and got credit for running normal Eye of Azshara.
The first run she had the Artifact appearance transmogged to her BFA weapon. The second run she switched to a non-Artifact transmog appearance. Both runs granted credit towards her hidden appearance tint.
Click for screenshots
Screenshot at Artifact Forge before any runs - current dungeon count is 4/30
Screenshot after 1st run - BFA weapon equipped, using Artifact appearance as transmog – dungeon count is now 5/30
Screenshot after 2nd run - BFA weapon equipped, using non-Artifact appearance as transmog – dungeon count is now 6/30
I only mentioned what I did because I had a funky time transmogging my mage’s hidden appearance. It allowed me to transmog it, but didn’t want to stick until I actually obtained the hidden artifact on said mage, even though I had unlocked it on another mage.
Two years later I found this threat helpful in that it convinced me I wasn’t crazy for having the same experience. In this case I tested a run WEARING the artefact weapon and finally got credit. So something they did has undone the change that made it so you didn’t have to wear the weapon.
No, the requirement was always to have an artefact weapon on your character to be used, just not the special appearance anymore. Originally, you had to at least have the correct spec, artefact weapon, and weapon appearance on during the dungeons.
I needed to come back and respond again. You do not have to have the weapon equipped but from what I just experienced you have to relight after finishing the achievements for it to actually unlock the tint. I did 30 runs, used the achievement tracking script. Got credit according to the script. Went to forge. No tint unlock. Logged off. Logged back on. Got unlock. My earlier comment was from before I logged back on and I thought I had not received any credit because I wasn’t wearing the weapon.
I’ve been running MoS back to back like 7 times and not getting credit. I have my wep Mogged to the hidden tint and nothing. I even went to the order hall and mogged the actual artifact to the appearnce and nothing. What am i doing wrong?
I would also like to say it isn’t on this toon you see above for some reason it picked this one and not one i actually play.
Wow, okay. This thread is originally from back in July 2020. It’s been necro’d a few times now. It’s not kosher to revive anything older than a week or two, as what had been the case when the thread and all of the revivals later, isn’t the case now. We’ve had many patches, hotfixes and are now even in a whole new expansion. In the future, please don’t necro old threads. Post a fresh one.
You’re the first person to have this issue in recent memory, so as of right this moment? It may just be a graphical error.
I’ve seen it be that in the past, it may not be counting them as you go, but then once you hit the metric, the tint would kick in.
I would suggest a UI reset first off.
If it’s still not showing that they’re counting? Post a new thread over in Bug Reports.