When returning from my first max-level visit to the Maw, I had decided that I made the wrong choice of covenant. Before I turned in “Hopeful News” to Bolvar, I left the Kyrian covenant to join the Venthyr. Then, when I went to turn in “Hopeful News”, it completed and nothing happened. I didn’t get any follow up quest, when I think I was supposed to receive “Souls for Sinfall”. I assume this was because of the in-between covenant switch, but I never got my redeemed souls or anything as I did not get the quest “Souls for Sinfall” at all. How can I fix this problem?
Edit: I should mention, the game skipped over “Souls for Sinfall” entirely and put me at the quest “Home Improvement”, which I cannot complete due to not having access to any redeemed souls, and never having received any redeemed souls at any point, not even for Kyrian.
I don’t see that the game skipped it, Kyvoth, you just don’t yet qualify for the quest. The requirements to get “Home Improvement” is not to have completed “Souls for Sinfall”. I know Wowhead lists it as a linear progression but it does not appear to be as listed from what I can see.
I think proper quest progression is still being sorted out, so those lists might not be entirely accurate.
For the redeemed souls after switching covenants, we’re aware of the issue and it’s being looked into.
Well I’m glad to hear that it didn’t skip over it, but yeah, the problem still stands. I cannot receive “Souls for Sinfall”, nor can I re-do it’s preceding quests, of which I had already completed up to and including “Hopeful News”.
If I had stayed with the Kyrian before turning in the quest “Hopeful News”, I assume that I would’ve received the quest “Return to Adrestes”, which is the Kyrian equivalent to “Souls for Sinfall”. My guess is that the bug is happening because I wasn’t in the same quest-line progression state with Venthyr as I was with Kyrian, and the game didn’t know what to do?
Either way, I hope the fix comes soonish. Does not feel good to be unable to progress with my covenant whatsoever.
I did before and I just checked again so I could be absolutely certain, and no, there are no other outstanding quests. The only quest available in my Covenant is “Home Improvement”, which I cannot complete due to having zero redeemed souls. I also double checked Oribos and with Ven’ari in The Maw, and neither of those places have any outstanding covenant quests either.
Please let me know if there’s any additional information that I might be able to supply, in order to help you guys out with getting this issue fixed.
I am having issues with this as well, I swapped to Kyrian this morning from Necrolord. I had the quest for the renowned souls in my quest log completed but never turned in and then I swapped to Kyrian, did all the starter quests and got to the part called “Enhancing the hold” and now I am stuck because I have no redeemed souls and no way to get them. I really hope I am not stuck locked until reset and have to be behind everyone.
Nothing for Home Improvement, as I said that is something that is being looked into.
If you are amiable though, I wondered if I might take a look at your character for Souls for Sinfall. You’d just need to switch to a different character and let me know when you have done so.
Oh yes, absolutely. I just logged off of that character now, so feel free to go in and dig around to see what you can find out. Let me know if I need to close out WoW completely or anything.
Swapped my covenant this morning as well and am stuck. If I have to wait a full week before I can progress my covenant any further or even unlock a soulbind I’m going to be extremely disappointed
I thought this level of friction was supposed to come from rejoining a covenant you had left before.
Please fix the issue where people are not getting credit for the 1st chapter of their covenant campaign after switching covenants but they can complete chapter please fix the issue where people who switch covenants are not getting the free anima from the intro quests
Same problem here, i can’t continue with my covenant campaing because i cant complete the quest “Enchancing the Hold”, this quest requires 1 Redeemed souL. I swapped my covenant, and now i dont have any redeemed soul and there’s no way to get 1 of it. Please fix it.
i have the issue when i changed covenants i forgot to delete the callings quest so when i went into torghast it completed now i can’t delete the quest from my old covenant or get credit on my new one either…just stuck in my quest log with the abandon button greyed out…also no quests after i did torghast…no chapter 1 but i got chapter 2 which is torghast done