Cant play with IRL friends

I renewed my subscription today just so I could play SoD with my IRL friends, but can’t as the server population is “imbalanced.” I am trying to create an Alliance character on Chaos Bolt, a medium population server, but can’t. Is there a moderator who.can help me woth this issue? I tried to open a ticket, but just got stuck in a support article loop that was super frustrating.

Why cant you create a toon.

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It say the server is imbalanced so Alliance characters cant be created

You either have to wait until the server is balanced or ask your friends to join you on a server that isn’t so imbalanced or have them make horde characters with you.


Well the bad news is theres no way to circumvent that a blue or a GM wouldnt be able to help.


I feel like there has to be a way around it. A server transfer, a faction change, something…

no this kinda thing is hardcoded to prevent further imbalances and GM cant circumvent it.


When Wrath Classic came out, several servers were locked for several months, separating friends and guilds and the GMs were not allowed to make exceptions for absolutely any reason at all. It didn’t matter if the cut-off happened seconds after an entire guild of folks went to transfer and a handful of people didn’t get it processed quick enough - server/faction lockdowns are absolutely hands off for the GMs.

This isn’t their decision, but one that the Devs have dictated. There is no way around it save to keep trying and hope it goes through.


Customer Service can not bypass


There’s intentionally no way around it.

The funny thing is I’ve seen players accusing Blizzard of wanting to sell PCT’s this way only to get pointed out there’s no such thing as transfers in Seasonals yet.

Even if there was, you cannot use a paid transfer to bypass faction or realm locks so they literally don’t want your money to preserve realm population balance.


No one at blizzard can help you make an alliance toon if they have it locked. Not something a gm can bypass

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Your friends could reroll Horde on that server, or find a different SoD server with a faction balance that allows all of you to reroll Alliance.

But there are no transfers, and I doubt there ever will be. Nor can the population balance caps be gamed, even as an exception for just one player.


These are all things you and your friends can do yourselves.
choose a different server, swap to the lesser faction. something… you donʻt need a GM to do these things for you.ʻ
You might lose some levels etc starting a new toon but i think alts can trade with each other, (not 100% if this works on classic servers) but you will have a group of friends to help you get going much faster than starting solo and alone

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Don’t believe that they can. Especially since this is a SoD realm.

Also, just to make sure it’s stated - there are no game services for SoD realms. You can’t purchase transfers or faction changes. This would require re-rolling entirely for the friends for everyone to be together elsewhere.