Can't Play Plunderstorm with my kid

So I have my kid on a separate subscribed wow account on the same bnet account as my wow account. We can’t play Plunderstorm together. It’s quite unfortunate as we are able to play all other versions of wow together and it is great fun. Unfortunately, our family bonding time suffers when we can’t play Plunderstorm together. In addition, of more game modes like this are added I suspect we won’t be able to enjoy them together. Can we get this adjusted somehow or can you transfer an active wow account and subscription I’ve already paid for to a new bnet account I set up for my kid?


Idealy its alot better for ur kid to have a wow account under ur name till he turns 18. As for ur suggestion u will need to use the ingame suggestion feature to suggest it. As far as know u cant transfer subscriptions to a seperate account you can transfer toons to the new account but will need a subscription.


That’s my thinking and fear. Like I don’t want to have to get the new subscription set up, and then transfer individual characters. I’ll prob have to contact CS directly and see if they can do something special for my circumstances in terms of transfers and stuff, but it wouldn’t even be a thought if they just let us play together in all the game modes. Especially when it was sold as you just need an active wow subscription. Which I have multiple subscriptions, but each subscribed account can’t play Plunderstorm.

No, that is no longer possible. They do not move licenses anymore. There have always been restrictions and drawbacks to having a child on the parent’s account.

  • Shared chat interface for Bnet chat and functions
  • Shared shop/payment info
  • Shared penalties if a child does something they should not, esp if they install it on the PC you both use.
  • You can only do pet battles, Plunderstorm, or any other Blizzard games besides WoW, one person at a time on a Battlenet account.
  • All pets, mounts, achievements, heirlooms, purchased digital items from the shop, etc are Battlenet account bound. When your child turns 18 and is required to be on their own account, they lose access to all that. It would not move with a license, even if Blizzard still moved licenses.

It is unfortunate, but there is likely not anything they can do to assist with this. Further, when your child turns 18 they will lose everything they earned on your account.

Transferring chars to a new Bnet with a new license and new sub is likely the only option. That also requires last names be the same.


What’s Plunderstorm?

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I love a good April Fool’s joke! I first checked to see that I did not spell it wrong and you were not just pulling my leg.

Then I realized you were acting like you don’t know what it is. Check the Launcher if you really don’t know.

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Ha ha… was a legit question. I’d never heard of it before. I’ll check it out. I guess I could Goggle it as well.

Should you wish to peruse the rewards you can get from doing it:


Wait… so this is something within WoW? I thought it was a completely different game, like Warcarft Rumble. I was totally confused about this. :confused:

Sort of - in the character select screen there is the option to either stay in the live game, or switch to Plunderstorm.