Can't place crafting orders with warband members on different servers

I cannot place any sort of crafting order with members of my warband if they are not on the same server I am (in this case, Stormrage).

Doesn’t matter if they are same faction or different faction.

Tried with/without addons.

At the “place crafting order” window, I select “personal order” and when I start to fill in the name, it will offer the name of the alt-server name. I fill out the order with reagents, etc and click “place order” and it tells me: “That player doesn’t exist”.

I’ve read through all the blue posts and articles and cannot find anything that specifically says this is not available.

Is this being worked on? Is there a post/article somewhere that says we CANNOT do crafting orders in our warband if they’re not on the same server?

If we can’t do this, that’s a major bummer for me and one of the things I was most looking forward to with warbands…being able to use crafters to help gear up alts.


Cross server trading is temporarily disabled, perhaps this is why?

I don’t actually remember any mention of crafting orders being enabled cross realm either for warbands.

The only change I’m aware of is the npc order system i don’t believe went live.

On Beta I have placed work orders with warband members on a different server AND of the opposite faction, so I was really expecting the same to be true here…

The leveling Beta servers are down right now so I can’t go corroborate if this is still true.

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(Slightly) Necroing this thread because even with cross realm training seemingly having been re-enabled, this is still impossible. I really, really would love to know if this is an intentional part of the design to encourage finding other people on your realm to be a crafter, or if it’s just something unintended (which is what I hope is the case!). If it’s a bug, I’d happily report it, but I’m unsure if it is :sweat_smile: .

It’s intended. If you want to do cross-realm work orders, then you need to have the two parties be in the same guild.

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Huh. If it also doesn’t work on characters on separate accounts, then I guess that checks out, but that just seems like a baffling decision to me. Everything else is made to work cross-realm, and it seems like the overall trend of things is to have choice of realm not matter anymore. So, why make it still matter for this one thing?

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You still have any item that doesn’t stack as server specific, like BoE gear, pets, etc.

I just double checked, and BoE gear and caged pets can both go in the warbound bank and thus transferred across servers, unless I’m misunderstanding what you mean.

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