Cannot place crafting orders for alts on different servers

I already replied to this thread with the issue, but upon further consideration I think it’d be best to file a bug report for this.

Basically, with Warbands, and cross-realm guilds, and Mythic progression no longer being realm-based, and everything else that has come in with 11.0, it seems evident to me that realm-based restrictions are meant to be a thing of the past, which is great. But one thing that still is restricted via realms is the ability to send personal work order requests to your alts. If they are on another realm, the order will fail with a message that “That player doesn’t exist”, regardless of how the alt’s name is formatted. )

My own example is that I had an alt named Haluta on Grizzly Hills. I tried “Haluta”, “Haluta-GrizzlyHills”, and “Haluta-Grizzly Hills”, and nothing worked, when sending a crafting order from a character on Ravencrest).

I believe that one workaround for this is that if both characters (the alt and the character placing the request) are in the same cross-realm guild, that placing a Guild Order can still work, even cross-realm. But I doubt that we’re meant to incentivize keeping all our alts within the same guild or same server (or both), so I think this is a bug worth reporting.


Bump to agree with this. I made a couple of alts of the opposing faction (alliance) during Pandaria Remix. I chose a different server so my alliance alts would be in a high pop area after Remix. I am disappointed that now TWW is out I still can’t communicate with those alts via work orders or in game mail. I didn’t expect that! I feel like I wasted time making those alts. :frowning: