Can't pick a main and stick with it

Because everytime I play my alts I fall back in love with the class/spec. Latest entry is Fury Warrior whom I could sit back and have fun playing without looking at the damage meters.

Does anyone else have the same problem?

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i do
i have 3-4 70s and my love is the dk

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9 level 70s and can’t stick with one. I think I have a problem lol.

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you do not thats is 63k gold if you do all the dragonriding WQ for the week on all 9 toons


When you put it that way… $$$

I don’t … but then again, is it a problem?

I mean, if you’re having fun, you’re probably doing it right.


I did, but admittedly part of it was because of my ADHD and inability to pick :joy:.

One thing that helped was that I did the research and played each for a time. I got it out of my system and knew what I’d like or dislike.

Shaman: Love him! But DF enhancement is too messy and the healing gimped so I knew I’d burn out.

Mage: love my BE Fire wannabe Kael’thas, buuut mage is exhausting to keep up in world content. Better for group scenarios.

Warlock: a good safety net choice. Can handle almost every scenario I toss his way. Fun dark fantasy with a BE. Got a bit boring though.

Rogue: Sneaking around. Avoiding enemies I don’t care for. Big damage. Grappling hook is crazy fun. Forsaken concept. Not getting bored any time soon.

So I stuck with Rogue for now. Who knows if Mage gets good next patch might try that again.


It’s honestly just the need for variety. After awhile the class gets boring and you want another experience.

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Time spent having fun is time well spent.

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Ain’t that the truth.

That’s the root of my problem tbh. :joy: I should do a list of likes and dislikes though, I don’t think I can handle playing so many toons a week. I already have 6 completed vaults for the week.

From what I’ve seen, the 10.1.5 Mage reworks have been getting some really positive reviews.

Maybe, maybe not. I mained a Resto Druid for 10 years. Taking a break from healing and this happens lol. DPS Druid is so boring though.

played disc priest, hated it and deleted, played druid loved it “now this is my new main” got disgusted because leather pants are pathetic and i dont like how night elves look, so deleted.

leveling resto shaman, love it. “now this is my main” got frustrated because of being able to obtain the mail pants i wanted for transmog, keep the shaman still love it, so leveled a hunter bm to farm them, end up loved it, i use my hunter to farm things and do the main quests, decided to give a try to priest again because while leveling the hunter i found if you dont play mythic + beyond 5 you dont have to care about anything, so tried using holy instead and love it.

i was looking forward to make a monk for the good ol times, but i kinda hate leather now. tried the new class/race hate it, no transmog options, males and females have exactly the same model so boring. im waiting for the warlock draenei since warlock is the first class i played and i think i gonna lvl up a warrior void elf, i like the warrior asthethic better than the paladin.


The leather and mail transmogs are so bad. I spent 2 days to get my Rogue to look decent while looking like a Rogue. That was so bad lol.

I have a harder time playing alts-- realized that would explain my terrible luck on mount farming. :thinking:

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Don’t worry, I have so many alts and I’m still farming Invincible after so many years. :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried that. It didn’t work so well for me but may for you!

For example I had this fantasy of a cool Nightborne priestess and it looked great on paper. Made one, experimented a bit with her in a dungeon and….yeah no spark.

Maybe it depends on the person but once that happened, I knew it wouldn’t work.

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Very much so. I have many characters as a result. I’ve learned to accept this about myself.

TBF though, I haven’t raided since WoD, so this might be more detrimental if you do that.

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you will get it rides off into the sunset with ashes and invincible

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Supposedly the new dungeon has Invincible in the loot pool. :+1:

edit: However the dungeon is starting to sound overtune.

edit 2: It’s no longer in the pool :sob: (sorry for this post)

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I’ll have to try it but it may work because I already know what kind of dps I don’t like playing. If I was still healing it’d be a different story but I’m not so we’ll see. :thinking:

That is so mean :joy: Thank you though!

No worries! You were trying to help and I appreciate it :smile:


was going to buy sparkles if the mount did not drop that day lol

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