Can't pick a main and stick with it

Mains are overrated, play w/e makes you happy at any given time.



I spent my first 30 days leveling a Druid I swore was gonna be my main for Dragonflight.

After I was…dissatisfied…with my decision, I decided to roll my fifth Disc priest, in hopes of finally leveling one to max. I could not believe how much better I personally clicked with the class. Mind Control alone in PvP is why I won’t play anything else.

All this to say: what other choice do you have other than to bounce around and see what feels the best? Even for veterans, a lot has changed for classes. There’s just no substitute for trying them all out.

If you love multiple specs equally…maybe decide which endgame content is most important to you (if endgame even interests you) and pick a main based of the class you feel the most confident with to thrive in that content.

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Yeah I swap mains just because I find a better name and don’t feel like spending the $10.


Once ive decided on a main at the begining of an xpac I tend to stick with it. I do always go back and make sure to level up my favorite alts though. Its primarily so that ive got options in the future. That way when the next xpac comes I can say “paladin seems fun this time”. And have one ready to go.

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You don’t pick Warrior. You are Chosen.

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My original DK was my main through Wrath, then I played my vanilla warrior a bit, played a pally and a mage for while (even thought I did not play much between Cataclysm and Legion). I rolled a new DK right before legion (for reasons I can’t really explain), then played a DH for a while , then went back to this DK and he was my main through most of Legion, BFA and Shadowlands. In DF I switched to my new, shiny Evoker and played though everything in DF so far, so whenever I feel like going back to my DK, I can’t because of how boring it would be to do all the story and things again in DF.

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I did. Til I realized BM hunter is the only WoW class.

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Im the opposite I dont think I could ever play an alt im too attached to my paladin


Paladin was my first toon so I have attachment to her. I think I found that I prefer Fury Warrior’s fast playstyle more though.

what are these dragon riding world quest? i see gold world quest i can track but ive never seen a notification pop up for dragon ricing race with gold?

The DR WQ (indicated by a circle around a racing flag) gives a bag which contains gold + some other items.

There’s 1 in each zone, so 4 biweekly.

plus 2 in the new zones

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I have this identical problem. I’ll take a class up, work on it then want to try something new.

Been having a blast. I’ve told myself to settle down with a multi-role class so I can get more exposure.

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When I play any toon and get on a mount I usually turn into this:

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Oh yeah, I don’t go there so I forgot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can relate. :joy: You’d think I’d be good at DR by now, but nope. Still crashing into walls.

They reward a Dragon Racer’s Purse which has a few resources and about 500g inside.

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My ‘main’ is just the character i run thru the most story line. Its by no means my favorite character. Its the class/spec I think will make it the easiest on me. which is BM hunter.

My other characters get a lot of play because I get bored playing one spec too much.
I have fun with DK…blood and unholy. And destruction lock as well as Rshaman.

I think if i had to pick a spec and could never change, Id have gotten tired of this game years ago.

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I am the same way. I am an altoholic, unfortunately. I can’t help myself.

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I think the core design of the game subtlety entices you to play alts.

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It’s a problem?

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