Can't Login! Oceanic Servers Down?

Just tried to log on and i get this same issue. Got on for about 10 secs once then disconnected again. For the rest of the 20 times i tried logging in, i cannot even get to the realm selection page before i get disconnected.


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Got dc’d, decided to play OW, and I get put in american servers? Blizzard, multi- dollar company. (Im OCE btw)

Been waiting like an hour! on cael and saur, hope this isn’t just some australian based issue and blizz can actually do something lmao

well there gos my keyyy

What level was it? I’m glad all I was doing was running DS when this happened. No loss there

hello omg what is going on

Nothing much… just waiting for WoW to come back up, so I can get back to doing nothing of worth on there

Had.the same.problem…thought it was.something to do with my.PC

Fortunately these kinds of connection issues are few and far in between, my trace route shows no successful connections past Perth, originating from WA, I didn’t see anybody else reporting the same issues from WA so thought I’d report that we’re having the same issue here.

For those of you who had used a mythic key, you’ll get it back it’ll just be one level lower - check your bags, as for people doing visions, yup, that sucks, I’ve had my PC crash a couple of times during them and it is not a good feeling to lose vessels like that.

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Telstra here - same problem

If you look at most people trace routes they have reported, you’ll see that most of them are from Telstra.

they moved the whole deal to australia right? local servers or whatever- trying to figure out how it affects me in canada.

It could be an issue on Blizzards end with incoming connections to the data centre hosting the Oceanic servers.

Issue is fixed, you can login now.


Hello everyone,

We are currently investigating reports of slow or unsuccessful logins across multiple Blizzard titles for players in the Oceanic region.


Able to log back in just now

We good, connection seems to be working.

we in boys

I’m able to login now.

Back in :slight_smile: