Can't Login! Oceanic Servers Down?

It’s 2020 most server maintenance is done remotely now a days, long gone is the early 2000s way of having to have staff on site at data centers around the world.

I cant connect or login also and when I try to put ticket in its out to wtf prior to this all week ive been getting kicked out of mythic + dungeons

From my pathping and traceroute it looks like the connection is timing out on is a public IP address, the user is located at Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, its purpose is Fixed Line ISP, and the type is Broadband/Cable/Fiber.

Hi Haoyun

Wanna run key with me tomorrow??

There server is down then?

any1 for valorant?

Same here, it’s stuck on “logging in to game server” then disconnects right after.

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ehh feelsbadman cant even ticket this in i guess ill go play LOL

Same, US (East) player here

Same can’t log into Aman’thul, Oceanic, but the my US servers are fine.

I am able to log into us realm, latin america, brasil but just not oceanic…seriously wth is going on. Is any blue or mvp able to contact blizzard to check on this ??

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yep same cant log in at all jube-oce
just gona watch some brooklyn 99 till blizz fixes itself

cannot F log in

No blue post or info yet? :frowning:

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Back in my day we ran Hamsters to run the servers with local server they still use hamsters

we lived in a cardboard box in the middle of the road

There’s a notification at the bottom of the launcher now stating they’re investigating.


Looks like they posted on twitter.

“We are currently investigating reports of slow or unsuccessful logins across multiple Blizzard titles for players in the Oceanic region.”


LMAO, the truth hurts

Can’t login to Barthilas!