Cant login, keep getting disconnected?

I’m IN like Flynn (Fairwind)

Nope. Time for Stardew. :man_farmer:

I too think about giving it all up for a quiet life on a little farm in the country

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I’m in. (Dawnbringer)

Maybe it’s a practice run before they attack those voting machines this election cycle.

Give Sun Haven a go sometime if you haven’t yet.

It tries a little too hard to be kid friendly with the dialogue, but I don’t think anyone is really playing these types of games for super strong story. Mechanically I prefer it to Stardew. Has a bit more going on (even if Stardew probably has more in terms of long term collection stuff for completionists)

“Kid friendly” and “super strong story” ARE compatible, you know.

That’s fair. Some kids movies and stuff are still fun to watch.

This is not one of those cases IMO. General story is alright. Some specific individual bits of dialogue are… not so hot. I wouldn’t mention it if it didn’t stand out more than usual to me. I think it’s worth playing despite my opinion on that though.

I haven’t gotten into any cozy games lately, so I’m a little out of the loop on them. Sky will soon have a Moomin Valley collab, though, so I’m going to give that a go.

Just succeeded in getting in (Nagrand-A)

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Love the guild name BTW =)

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Guess I will check the news, although I doubt anything of any importance happened in the last 3 or 4 days.

I thought it was just me.

I just went afk, I’ll log back in later.

Ended up getting logged out anyway due to a power outage. Just got back up from the basement - scary scary winds. Managed to log back in just fine just now, perhaps it’s fixed or it’s just select realms - I’m on Stormrage.

stormrage is up and running fine, on an alt now doing dailies

Thanks, I have a obsession with unique rocks irl, so my friend gifted me this guild to use for personal storage.

Minerals-schrader GIF

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i suggest they upgrade to roborovskis

Jokes on you hackers. This storm keeps knocking out my power so I don’t even notice the DDOS issues.


lol epic and funny

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