Cant log in on one specific character

So ive been unable to log in on only one of my characters. Ive tried the character stuck feature multiple times. It never completes only says something went wrong and then the ticket says resolved.

I have tried to reset my u.i

Ive made it so no mods are on my things

After looking around i think it might be a technical issue due to a name change i did previously months ago. The first transaction for the name change had an error, so i went about and did a second one and that one worked. Then a month later a character error icon popped up next to my shaman and i figured it had to do something with the first crashed name change but it went away. Now as of two weeks ago or so i cant log in. It will take me to a loading bar and when it finishes im back at character select with “Can no login”

Have you submitted a full and proper ticket for a GM to move you? If not, submit it here:

Pay no mind to the ticket time. It’s not for your specific ticket, just an estimation based on the oldest ticket in the system. These tickets tend to get handled fairly quickly.


Ill give it a try thank you!


Sadly the manual moving did not work

If the manual move ticket is marked resolved you can click “I still have a problem” and let them know that it did not help.


I did and they did more stuff but it doesnt seem to have fixed it either

That is quite strange. Only thing you can do is keep marking it unresolved so they keep trying to figure it out. When i had this issue ages ago it took a few attempts to fix it.

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Yeah they have been exeptionally nice and kind. Confused too. Im just hoping we can keep plugging away and get it figured out

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