I have very limited time each night so a 1.5-2hr que means I don’t get to play most days.
I finally said screw it I’ll character transfer so I logged onto a different server and started the process. Than I am told I can’t transfer my main because he mail.
I know for a fact that it’s junk mail some dumb NPC sent me which I would GLADELY delete into oblivion.
So now I can’t play because I can’t get through the que. I can’t server transfer because I have mail. I can’t log in to delete the mail because I can’t get past the que.
While an unfortunate series of events, that’s just how the systems are designed to work. That they’re working simultaneously is just ill timing. Use the Support link at the top of the page to submit a ticket to see if a GM is able to intervene: In-Game Issues > Items and Mail > Choose the appropriate category.
Just be aware that response times are hovering around 36 hours right now. It may very well just be better to sit in the queue for one night to retrieve it yourself so you aren’t waiting that long.
Same issue. 3 days into the expac and my login queue is still about 2 hours. Blues keep locking posts on the topic, and say to post it in “General Discussions,” probably because they don’t have to monitor those.
Blizzard: When will you offer free realm transfers from Area-52 and other “full servers” with ridiculously long log-in queues?
The articles on free realm transfers are outdated, incomplete, and/or broken.
This problem is clearly not going away on its own.
I’ve already paid for the expansion and my subscription, and would rather leave the game than pay an extra $25 for services I’ve already paid for.
The best I can recommend, Awaheya, is to submit a ticket to ask a Game Master to remove the mail. Response times are a bit high unfortunately, so it might be a few days. Sorry I don’t have a better solution.
You have a fairly high population on that realm and it is the week of launch. Things are likely to die down as people resume their normal gaming habits.
If you want to see Free Character Moves or other solutions enabled, you’ll want to post in the General Discussion forum so our Community Managers and Devs can see it. There is likely an active thread already would be good to add your voice to.
Nope. Still passing the buck, like a good little Smurf. I just got off a chat with Blizzard Support.
They refuse to consider offering free Realm Transfers off A52 and other high-population servers
They’re allegedly “very aware” of the issues with A52 and are “considering solutions,” though they haven’t chosen a solution in 3 days
What options are there other than expand capacity, offer realm transfers, or wait on enough players to quit or pay transfer?
Saying it’s just because it’s a “high-population realm on the week of launch” is a complete cop-out when almost every other server has players talking about how they’re already leveling a second character to 60.
The one thing the “Support” agent actually had the power to do was authorize a refund for my SLA expansion, so buh-bye for a while, Blizz. Another paying customer of 14 years out the door.
They aren’t passing the buck, Cantankrus, they don’t have authorization to do anything more than they offered. Just because we’re the ones that are in place to respond to contacts doesn’t mean that we are the correct ones to direct feedback to.
Good luck to you.
No, we lock threads in the CS forum because we aren’t the right points of contact. Feedback like this goes to our development and community teams, who do monitor those forums, even if they don’t generally respond.