Can't log in (BLZ51900001)


Cant login to on desktop or the app, i can load the game and try to login but it disconnects me (classic), i tried restarting my computer now im at a 90 minute queue to login to

I do appreciate the update, and I am not saying this out of anger but more of a directed diatribe at the overall descent of support and communication from Blizzard in the last few years.
Your response is just reads as a plea for empathy for the company mismanaged everything and has a terrible track record/traction with the community. Major companies do use status pages successfully for international, business-critical services. Blizzardā€™s choice to not use that and make it harder on themselves is irrelevant, as is their choice to cut budget for support, or not employ API/bots across their own forums (dedicated to communicating with the community) for that. I appreciate there are about 12 different avenues that information might trickle in from a dev or someone affiliated with the team, whether YouTube, Discord, Twitter, or carrier piegon. How about a cohesive central location for that?

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Give them a break guys Blizzard is just a small indie company :laughing:

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Mainly launcher and the support page.

The app launcher used to have a breaking news link, not sure of the address now.

Then the social media team on Twitter and the main moderators of Customer Support.

4 places.

My response is just relaying information, that they knew and were communicating about. Hopefully it will be fixed soon, cause Iā€™m out. :mute:

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servers are still down <7.00am to 12.00am> at the time of this postingā€¦

Realm Status - Americas & Oceania - World of Warcraft replace the dit with the . from the address never mind the severs are up