Same issue. I’m getting
blz51900001 &
Same here. Can’t log in.
Current Message from login:
“We are aware of an issue that is affecting our authentication servers, which may result in slow or failed login attempts. We are currently investigating the cause and will provide updates as they are available.”
Guys… It’s all my fault… I resubbed a third account, and it choked Blizzard.
authenticators just a problem at this point… anyone even have trouble without them these days
was anyone able to get in after being stuck in the line?
Not yet, Mine was a 2 person queue, took 3 minutes and then threw a WOW51900325 error.
On Cataclysm Classic
My queue line says less than 1 min. It has said that for 10 minutes now. It won’t let me log in to the launcher.
mine says 21min queue
I don’t want to play any of the other games
Just want to download the patch and/or fixes then play WoW later
[#Bnet] We’re currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts.
Well at least they acknowledged a problem, 15 minutes after it was actually determined, and offered no ETA or inclination that they have any idea what is wrong. One step ahead of the banwave they had to overturn due to incompetence I suppose.
New error: BLZ51900325 * sigh *
We know that but what’s confusing is we go to the main screen and all the banners are up.
Whats confusing is,maint is still over an hour out but we’re seeing ques to log in?
I get that it is a small company that lacks the resources to fund the tens of dollars it would take to put up an accurate status page with real time updates, but any chance you guys plan on using your official forums to offer timely and regular updates?
At this is like ordering a meal at a restaurant, only for the waiter to bring out an empty plate. When you ask where your food is, they shrug and hand you a note saying, ‘We understand your concern, but there is an issue with our kitchen. Please try ordering again.’ And when you do? Same result. No food, no refund, just ‘try again later’.
I’m getting
Login Servers Are Full
With a count down timer & estimated time
Then error. BLZ1900073
Looks like it’s time to go make cookies
Best part about the issues. Waiting in queue only to have it fail. Then restart the process to wait even longer still lol. After 20 years you would think that authentication servers would be pretty robust. But then again I am not a network engineer so I have no clue what goes on.
Decided to restart bnet as i assumed it was stuck on 2 mins que…now its 54 mins lol kekw smolindie
Haven’t seen any ques, though I was stuck in a queue for almost 10 minutes.
The ques are definitely there.
Seeing several saying same.
The staus page is no longer used, it’s just not been removed yet. The forums are not staffed around the clock, though a few that update twitter also post in the customer support forum, tech is mostly player discussion.
Twitter and the support page are mainly used to communicate downtime notices, and I saw others post updates in the launcher.