Can't log in (BLZ51900001)

i enter my account info and immediately a window pops up and says "you have been disconnected (blz51900001)


Same thing happening to me, im sure there will be a fix soon

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yeah and when they fix it, 10 more things will be broken. #smolindyco

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Same thing here.


dif code but same thing just wont connect
i was in Cata heroic DC and cant get back on

its a new patch day, are we surprised? its like this every time

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Same thing here. Can’t even login to the launcher.

Same… took longer than normal to load, clicked wow classic and then the "you have been disconnected. I restarted battlenet and now it cant log me in. I go to web site and can log in fine and see all my acct info.

Can’t log into either.

having same issue, was trying to log into Classic Cata while waiting for the Retail to maintence to finish, kept getting d/ced then decided to log out of Battlenet and now i get that error. I though something was wrong with my account my internet is fine since it has already recycled everything already. Feeling something on Blizzard’s side caused this error.

im relieved im not the only. same thing hre tried everything

Edit: i can no longer get into bnet

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Can’t even play D2R… GG Blizzard.

I know the WoW servers are down now but I can’t get into at all for other games.

No one should be surprised by this lol its a new season patch for retail, every time they do this the whole crashes haha

I was in on one account, but then second account failed. Made the mistake of signing out of the one I was on, and now stuck.

Originally was the BLZ51900001 as stated in subject, but has now changed to BLZ51900073.

Same issue here on Classic Servers.

I’ll add I’m having the same BLZ51900001 error on Cata Classic

same BLZ51914400

I was getting this originally, then i receved blz51903006 after my finally connected. now back to this one. I’m guessing it’s related to authentication servers.

just tried says they aware with a login Q