Cant Load into my Mop remix character

When Logging into my druid (MOP REMIX character) whose currently in Valley of the Four Winds,
My FPS tanks and the game freezes
forcing me to close it

This does not happen to any of my other characters
I logged into my shaman in org and he loaded just fine

This just started happening today when I logged in 30 mins ago, and was not doing this last night

Anyone having this same issue?


I am also having this issue! When I load in my game completely locks up and I end up having to End the Task in take manager! No amount of waiting catches it up and turning off all Add On’s does nothing!


Same thing on my end also :frowning:


Reporting the same issue on my account as well. Turning off addons and overclocking does no bueno.

Edit: Update! Was able to load in after disabling all addons, clearing out the retail cache folder, and relogging.

From here you can exit the valley, or wherever you were logged out initially, re-enable your addons from a safe, low-stress area, and have fun! Worked in my case.


Likewise I am locked out of that character entirely, can verify other timerunning characters can log in just fine, I also see the status message “You can’t do that yet” pop up immediately as the game freezes, possibly implying our characters are trying to do something on logging in that causes this.

Location is not a factor, I used the offline character stuck tool to go to the nearest graveyard to see if that helped. My character was moved but the issue still occurs.


This works! No idea why but it works!

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Had this issue & force closed once after letting the computer churn wildly with fans spinning on high for a bit.

Second time around it froze again but without the wild fan acceleration, and started working after a minute.

This is on a Ryzen 7800X3D with a radeon 7900XTX.

I’m guessing it’s similar to when some (amd) graphics setups were black screening on game start for an extended period, until you let them run through some background cache/shader/something maintenance.

So I suspect if you just wait & let it spin for long enough, it should work. How long will probably depend how powerful your setup is. But I’m thinking minutes, not tens of minutes.

Edit: would also explain why the clearing cache etc works… then it just gets to re-cache things from the start, rather than having to go through & correct what’s already there.

Edit: Relogged & had the same issue but this time it still didn’t load second time through after ~5 minutes. Taskmanager had wow using 6.25% of cpu and not responding.

Clearing cache didn’t help.

A buggrabber error did show up while it was lagging out but didn’t get saved… first line of taint log shows buggrabber hitting max errors per second before throttle & then an assortment of other addons following behind.

I disabled Angry Keystones, Auctionator, CraftSim, Minimal Archaeology, No Mats No Make, Oribos Exchange, Tome of Teleportation, World Quest Tracker & WoWthing Collector

And the character loaded instantly after that.

Possibly it was one of those specific addons, possibly just changing which addons were loading was enough.

It would seem the problem resurfaces after logging out again. So this is going to be a persistent problem until it’s fixed.

I don’t have any of these addons, so I suspect there’s some sort of underlying problem with the function of how some addons work or it’s completely unrelated and we’re somehow tricking the problem to fix by going through the steps.


I’m having this issue as well. :frowning:


Can confirm this is happening to me as well, but specifically only on one Remix character, my level 70 monk. I initially got stuck in Shrine and thought it was location-based, but I was DCed on Isle of Thunder just now and am back to the same cycle.

This is not happening on my retail characters nor my lowbie Remix alt, who have identical addons. I’m wondering if it’s specifically tied to gear, but it wasn’t doing this last night and my loadout was identical.

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Yup, this is happening to me today too. I can log into my other toons, but not my MOP one. So much for getting some more leveling in today. :frowning:


I have the exact same problem. My non-mop remix chars are fine. And my char is the Jade Forest.

I have the same issue on EU, and the only way i found to bypass it is to disable all addons on character page, log the character and enable all addons again when ig. But i have to do it every time i log a timerunner. Hope it’ll help for now :slight_smile:

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Happening here too. Just my Remix character that I’ve played on a bit. All the others that are at the start spot load in just fine.

I did try turning off Tradeskillmaster as it always seems to lock up as that is rebuilding the cache. The first time, it worked. I got in, loaded fine, was able to turn the mod back on in game and continue.

Now, the next time I’m trying to get in, doing that didn’t fix anything.

I came across a reddit post about this, and someone said turning Mogit off fixed their issue. I tried that, and it fixed mine. I hope that helps someone.


Mine was doing the same thing. I turned off all my addons and was able to log in.

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Was having this issue as well. I was getting the FPS crash all week last week, but it would correct itself and run just fine after a couple minutes. This week, not so lucky. FPS crash then disconnect, if it managed to not crash the game entirely.

Disabling all addons, logging in, and re-enabling addons once logged in was a successful work-around for me. Hopefully not something I have to do every time, but if it works it works.

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If you have Mogit or some other transmog addon, you might want to try them. I disabled Mogit from loading, and now I don’t have the issue anymore. Looking at their GitHub, others are having the same issue.


I have had the EXACT issue as well. Says in big red letters “cant do that yet” then freezes and the application doesnt respond.

Doesn’t work for me, I got so desperate I nuked the entire game and reinstalled from 100% scratch to ensure nothing related to addons or caches was left behind and I’m still freezing up instantly on log in