Can't list M+ group

so if i go into a dungeon i can list it out of a dungeon i can not list a key out side so try that guys


If I’m understanding correctly it works if:

  • I enter a dungeon, by myself I presume.
  • List the key in group finder like I normally would.

Does it have to be on the mythic dungeon setting? Same dungeon as key? A particular dungeon? Does it have to be completed or just from the start?

i did it on normal and it worked

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Can’t list group as the OP describes.

Entering into a MoTS normal and then listing the group allowed the LFG tool to work as expected. Assume at least all SL instances will work.

Leaving the instance while still trying to form the group did not appear to break the tool. New applicants continues to appear.

Delisting the group and trying to list it again while outside of the instance failed to work as described in the OP

Going back into the instance and trying to list the group allowed the tool to work as expected.

Will edit OP to add workaround.

Looking like a network issue at this point.

Staghelm Midwest servers ( I think ) from Frontier ISP Texas


Still broken. 08/20/2022

Does the workaround work for you?

They seemed to have fixed this for a while, if it’s happening again and the workaround works then it’s probably the same issue.

I can’t seem to use the workaround! Am trying in Necrotic Wake. I’ve listed a key before in a previous week, and I know I accidentally had the dungeon set to Normal, but wasn’t inside an instance when I listed it. Maybe it’s an interaction with having Legion keys? It’s a bummer though, because I’m trying to push my own key now…

You just need to be inside an instance ( SL I think ) when you try and list your key. Any instance Shadowlands instance, any difficulty.

At least that’s how it was working before.

As I said in my post, I tried inside Necrotic Wake and it didn’t work.

My mistake, I was focusing on

because you need to be in the instance when listing it.

Again, that was a previous week, as stated above! I did try to go add an authenticator to fix the whole issue, but the authenticator page gives an error 500, so looks like I’m just stuck for now!

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Only way I got one listed was to head to Orgrimmar. Not sure if this would work with Alliance and Stormwind, or not. But, worth a shot, right?

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same issue here. kinda annoying that blizzard is now forcing sms and authenticator.

let us play the way we want please.

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Same issue. Can’t post key in the instance, in another instance (non-SL keys - GD & LK this week)

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Just got this issue myself today. Relogging and everything doesn’t seem to fix it.

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Was finally able to get my Wardens key done, but can’t list Iron Docks.

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I have been unable to list m+ keys on several characters all week. I added the authenticator today – it did nothing to resolve the issue. This has been going on randomly since Aug 2nd, and there has been no response from Blizzard on it. Meanwhile, I cannot get into any groups because of my ilvl, and I cannot list my own keys to try and get gear.