Can't leave The Skyfire during MoP Remix Intro

Any time I try to fly off with either a dragonriding mount or a regular flying mount I am sent straight back up to The Skyfire. I took the rope down thinking maybe they put in some new system so you can’t bypass the rope but as soon as I mounted up doing the quests on the ground it teleported me straight back up to the ship. What is going on here? I have never experienced this on my 6 characters I’ve leveled to 70.


Funny, I never had an issue leaving across 7 characters now (only did the quest on my first), however you should maybe consider it a blessing if you ever intended to do Jade Forest quests later.

If you leave the Skyfire before finishing the first leg of quests (up to when you and Rell attack the Orc on the dock) and level to 70, you de-phase from the intro quest of Jade Forest without completing it. You can never do the zone after that, if you go back to the Skyfire you’ll get stuck in a teleporting loop falling out of the sky where the Skyfire normally is (you can only get out by being summoned by someone). Because of this you can never do the campaign intro and therefore never do the Jade Forest campaign.

I suggest anyone who may want to quest this zone later to spend 10 minutes doing the first handful of quests


Did you do the part where you make the strafing run on the gyrocopter yet? Or did you try to leave before even that?

It was after the gyrocopter and the next quest when you are tasked with going down on the parachute. On all of my characters I had clicked the parachute, clicked the dismount button and then flew down without a problem but after today’s reset and hotfixes it seems like they broke something. You just constantly get teleported back up if you don’t take the parachute down and then when you actually take the parachute down, if will still randomly teleport you back to The Skyfire. I had it happen to me 10 times before I was finally able to complete the quests down in the Horde base and it hasn’t happened again since I’ve gotten to Paw’don Village.


Couldn’t tell you; it never happened to me.

I would send that on as a bug report then.

Same issue, i just used dragonriding to get away towards the post event area when you leave that starting island zone and then walk back across the bridge to get in.

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Did you do the bit where you roam around in a helicopter shooting things? Maybe that is the hang up?

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I’m having the same issue, except that I never tried to leave the ship early. I did the shoot up the orcs quest in the gyrocopter, turned in, did the stuff to teach you about gems/breaking down gear, took the parachute down, had enough time to turn in and pick up the next two quests, and it ported me back up to the ship.

If I try to fly off, it ports me back. There is no longer a parachute to use. I have done six characters in remix so far, and this, the seventh, is the only one this has happened to.

ETA: I also just tried jumping off, and it ports me back. I am just stuck on the ship.


There’s a spot below the ship (or in a column?) where you get ported back if you cross it. I mounted up and flew away from the bow of the airship (north), and I finally was able to get off the ship. Seems a new bug, didn’t happen to me any time before today.


I logged back in to try it, and it seems to have worked. I made it to the village. THANK YOU! I was going insane trying to figure out how to get off the ship. Even trying to suicide off didn’t work.

But can verify, fly straight off the front of the ship, straight forward, until you’re over land again, and then you can go down and proceed.

ETA: Do not go get the bronze glowy orbs over the buildings in the Horde base though, or you get ported back to the ship again. >.<


just getting this now 7 toons nothing now it just teleports me back i got so far as completing the first grouping of quests and was poofed back.

I had the same problem, i fixed it by getting on my flying mount, hugging the side of the skyfire and flying onto the docks at the shore, fixed the problem

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had that happen both horde and alliance side - there is a spot where if you try to fly over it - you get teleported back in for some reason. only way I could fix it is circle REALLY wide around the ship instead of trying to fly anywhere near it.

So apparently the ship has a trigger that goes all the way to the ground. If you are doing the follow up quest and stray too close it will port you back topside. Only way I have found is to use dragonriding and get away as fast as possible then you should be safe, and dont venture under the ship after.


I found this interesting. I had the same issue, whenever I left the ship it would return me. On no other character have I had this issue, but it was occurring on my Death Knight. What I found is that I can’t go anywhere near the base of the ship or anywhere on the ground under the ship’s area which was basically on the west shorline. If you stay away from that small area, you can fly down and complete the quests. But even after completing the quests, I still couldn’t walk on the west shore without being teleported to the ship.

I was able to get back on the ground by summoning a Dragonriding mount and flying back down to the ground. Other flying mounts may work as well, not too sure.

Happened to me several times, you have to move away fast or it will teleport you back, its coded like your falling off, can also hearth back to timeless and use the portal to the town to leave if thats easier

Y’all really tryin to skip the intro quest?

I don’t see the advantage, or any advantage, from doing that.

This is what I figured out as well. The area that is the problem is almost directly under the ship. As long as I fly away from that area, I avoid getting ported back to the ship.

It’s weird because I just noticed this today. I already took two characters through the Alliance starting area and did not encounter this issue. But just today, I was taking a new character through there and the issue occurred.

**** FIX **** Just use a hearth toy. Gets you off the ship and then fly back to the content, just south of where you hearth. Worked for me!! Enjoy playing again!

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