I played mostly vanilla -> halfway through MoP and then quit. At the time I just didn’t have the time, raiding was a job not something to enjoy and I just got sick of it. I came back a couple months ago. I have developed some health problems that give me way to much free time. Combine that with current world conditions and imho overblown reaction to Covid 19 and I’ve got a whole lot of nothing to do.
I just can’t get a character past the early 90’s. I haven’t been able to figure it out till today. I do like many of the changes in the game but there are some things that I feel have ruined it. Primarily LFG / LFR tools. Maybe these when introduced started me on my dislike of the game in general and were part of why I quit.
While these 2 things make it so the casual player can do content easy they have destroyed any sense of community and or individual reputation for players. I decided to dump my old characters and level from the start. I have never once grouped with anyone more than once in lfg. I’ve been in a few guilds on a few different characters. All of them totally dead guild chat. Even the guild’s don’t do anything together unless they are doing a guild achievement. They are all in dungeons or raid finder, rarely together. I’ve even seen people who clearly have an addon that automatically sends a grats or other message on someone’s achievement. Totally disconnected from the actual social interaction.
As far as reputation goes. I have seen people treated like dirt, been treated the same way, and may have done it myself because there is zero accountability. I remember a long time ago your attitude determined how far you managed to get. Now people can be totally harsh and rude to each other with absolutely no repurcussion. You will likely never see them again, and they won’t see you so what difference does it make how you treat each other. I haven’t managed to actually talk to anyone for more than a second. So there is no social aspect anymore. It’s just gone. That was one of the great things that brought me back. I’m just not sure where to go from here.