Can't interact with time rift vendors

I came to do the time rift after servers went back up but now vendors aren’t interactable. Someone else on my server had the same issue too while waiting for the event to start.


Just saw that too. Finished a time rift and they’re all off the clock still.

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Reward Vendors not working … the regular repair vendor is working

Can confirm that they are bugged on my server too. Not interactable.

Just bumping this. Same issue for me – can’t interact with any of these vendors on any character, except the BS/Engi vendor. Tried disabling my addons to see if that was the issue but they’re still not interactable. :c


This happened to a bunch of us after completing a rift this afternoon. Several people including myself couldn’t interact with the vendors. As mentioned before, the repair vendor was fine, but the rest of them, the ones selling the time rift rewards, wouldn’t interact at all.


Is there supposed to be a new currency for time rift? I didn’t get a token for when the vendors are back.

I believe so, I got a “Dilated Eon Canister”

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I am also experiencing this problem today. The time rift vendors are simply missing. Another player mentioned in /say that the vendors were missing for them too.

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Thanks for the updated name, but I didn’t get one. :frowning:

Same bug for me, can’t interact with any of the time rift vendors as of 4/23/24 patch. Which is frustrating because I only need to buy 1 more pet to get the achieve Minute Menagerie!

I am having the same issue too, not fixed yet. Hopefully Blizz will pull an emergency maintenance and fix this I still need some of the mounts

I’m having the same problem.

Experiencing same issue on the server, Area 52. None of the rift vendors can be interacted with.

I’m experiencing the same issue.

Same on Stormrage. Completed rift, vendors are non-interactable except Wan’she Skystrider supply vendor. Their nameplates also do not appear.

Same issue here. Can’t interact with any Timerift vendor as of today 4/23/24.

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This appears to be impacting any world event vendors that sell gear which is swapped out with the Seasons. Not only are the time rift vendors kaput, but the same thing is happening with Dreamsurges - Celestine can’t be interacted with, and Hamuul only lets you interact for quests. The entire dialogue option as a vendor is gone.

Kinda seems like they turned them all off to smooth over the Season transition then forgot to flip the switch back on…


Same, Dreamsurge and Time Rift vendors are FUBAR

Same on my server. Also I didn’t get any items except the quest item when I had an Encapsulated Destiny equipped (e.g. no transmog, pets, mounts, etc. dropped)