Cant go to DF Isles or Level (Help Blue)

Still cant get any quests for DF Isles and to go there as leveling. Chromie Time doesnt work since Ebyssian is still not in Org.

Yup, I posted about this problem in more detail yesterday.

The 20th Anniversary quest that pops up as you log in is canceling out the Dragon Isles starter popup, so no new characters can start the Dragon Isles quest chain.

yeah I want to level in Dragon Isles and not through Draenor or BFA.

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Probably better to post this in CS forum than GD. At least if you’re actually looking for a solution.

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I had no issues on my level 10? I have the shard to go directly to Wrathion and I’m doing the Anniversary. They are level 23 now though with a few dungeons.

You shouldn’t need to talk to Chromie to actually select DF as it is the default levelling experience. Do you have [Lost Dragonscale] in your bags?

I would:

No responses in bugs or cs to this issue in more than a day. No movement on the ticket I submitted, either. They said 24 hours max, and it’s well over that and nothing.

It’s unbelievable they haven’t even commented about it.

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Yeah, but did you already have the quest in your quest log before 10/22 when the Anniversary event started? That’s the popup that started canceling out the Dragon Isles popup.

No, I got it a couple of hours ago, today.

That’s the thing I do not. It is gone. I deleted the character and made a new one to check and that item no longer appears in my bags.

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How long have you had the black dragon scale in your inventory though? Did you already have it before the Anniversary event started?

Or did the Dragon Isles popup just appear for you when you logged in? I have several characters that had the Dragon Isles popup start to appear, then the Anniversary popup happened 1 second later, canceling out the Dragon Isles popup I had just seen 1 second before. And at that point, I no longer have access to the Dragon Isles popup.

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Had several characters with the quest and dragonscale and it disappeared with the patch. And yes, people have tried doing/not doing chromie, it doesn’t help.


Sorry to hear this is happening. I just made a Dracthyr Mage yesterday who got Chromie time just fine despite the invitation. Could just be how they Drac zone starts by sending you to Chromie. Will have to make a Mechagnome to test it out.

For a couple of hours, I literally made the character TODAY.

I just did it again.

This time I spoke to Chromie, selected DF and the quest popped up and I spoke to her again to leave “Chromie time” and go to present - which will still be DF.

Are you making a dracthyr? People said today that only a new dracthyr was working.

Yes! I’ll try a different race.

Scratch that.

My L45 Druid and my Hunter still can’t get the Dragon Isles popup (neither one is a Dracthyr). I logged them both in again just now to check.

Blizzard needs to make that Anniversary Tanaris quest a mail invite, to keep it from stomping out the Dragon Isles starter quest popup.


Has anyone else had this happen? Or has anyone heard from a Blue about a fix for this issue?

And was this 20th anniversary patch even beta tested?

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I notice that most of my characters can now receive the Dragon Isles Wrathion popup starter quest, except for my L78 Hunter who was unable to get it previously, and still cannot get the Dragon Isles popup now.

Yes, I know I’m beyond the level range for Dragon Isles now, but I want the Hunter pet Karokta, and I cannot get him until I do the entire Dragon Isles campaign first.

I went to Chromie to see if I could set my Hunter to Dragonflight time, but Chromie just says hello, and won’t show me any of the zones (Pandaria, Dragon Isles, etc) so I can’t change anything.

How do I get the Dragon Isles popup to show up? I’d hate to be locked out of there forever, just because of a bug.