"Another Timely Invitation" Tanaris popup CANCELLING/BLOCKING Dragon Isles popup at login

I just logged on with a L45 Druid I haven’t played in a while, and watched the “Another Timely Invitation” Tanaris popup CANCEL OUT the Dragon Isles popup as I logged in.

I want to go to Dragon Isles on my L45 Druid, but now I don’t have the correct popup to start the Dragon Isles quest chain, nor do I have the grey dragon scale to port me to Wrathion. Wrathion does not show on my screen in Stormwind Keep either, even though other people can see him.

I am also missing the Dragon Isles popup on my L33 Hunter (who has not been to Dragon Isles yet).

I think “Another Timely Invitation” is stamping out the Dragon Isles popup upon login.

Anyone else have this happen?

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Same here, inlcusive with new characters. i cant see wrathion, i cant have the quest. nothing.

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My friend had this happen to them, too, and the GM who answered my ticket said there are a lot of complaints about not being able to start the Dragon Isles quest chain.

It appears to be a wide-ranging problem. He told me to come here to post about it to get the developers to look at it.

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