Can't go back to Undermine

While waiting for End of the Day to become available, I hearthed back to Dornogal. Now that it’s up, I can’t go back. The flight paths I’ve unlocked in Undermine don’t even seem to exist as far as I’m concerned, the teleporter doesn’t function for me, and any attempt to fly directly to Undermine ends up with me porting back to Gutterville. I’m definitely on the right character, as it’s 4/6 chapters into the Undermine campaign.

If you have the flight path to Opportunity Point unlocked, you should be able to just fly there and take the rocket drill down.


Well that worked, but surely that’s not the only way to get there, is it? Are the flight paths in Undermine only connected to each other, not to any others in Khaz Algar?

The overworld flight pathes do not reach the Undermine, that is correct.

It’s intended for the portal to be the primary connection.


You could also use the rocket drill from the Goblin base in the extreme south of the Ringing Deeps, but that’s quite the long way to go, with lots of travel before getting there. Really, the drill is good for going back and forth between the Deeps and Undermine, and only if you’re doing stuff like DQs or quest chains set in that part of the Deeps.

If you’ve finished the quest “Test Run” the portal should be open in Dornogal to Undermine. The portal is in the mining area in the Foregrounds, south-southwest of the Vault icon on your map. You should see a portal icon indicating where it is.

If it isn’t working, and you have definitely completed that quest, please submit a bug report by posting in the Bug Report forum or through the option in-game in the Support menu.


What rocket drill? This is frustrating.

The one that takes you to Undermine during the campaign.

I’m sure it’s marked by an addon, but it’s the purple outlined icon to the east of Opportunity Point: