Can't Gift Cat Pack

I want to gift the Cat Pack bundle from ye olde shoppe to a friend, but there’s no Gift option for it. Is there going to be one or is this too complicated for the compooterz? I’m feeling all xmas-y.


This is my own supposition, but I think the way the bundle scales in price based on what you already own from the bundle would be why it cannot be gifted.

If you already own one or more items from The Cat Pack, its price will automatically adjust.


I don’t believe it is technically possible to provide the option to gift, Pie. Those bundles scale based on what pets you already have. Based on how gifting works, I don’t think it can check the gifted account to do that. Sorry.


You could gift balance though, if they are using the same currency as you are.


  • You cannot use your own Balance to gift Balance
  • You can only gift Balance to a friend that uses your same currency
  • You must be friends with someone on Blizzard for at least 3 days before you can send them a gift

2730 posts? Geeze you’re prolific. I was hoping that the price would scale as a gift in the same way it does when you buy for yourself. Just change the BattleNet field ID for the recipient instead of the buyer. See? I solved it!

I understand nothing’s that easy, especially in as complex a system as the WoWiverse, but was just hoping this was an oversight. Have this feeling some product manager somewhere is saying, “See, toldja” to a dev who’s just rolling their eyes. Thank you for your quick reply.

(Also why is this post getting an error message for including the words “battle-dot-net” for including a link in a post…? Question for another time I suppose)

Hehe, well it is part of my job to be here and I like answering what I can. :slight_smile: is considered a link because of the .net bit. You have to be trust level 3 in order to post links, so it is restricting you. You can usually use the preformatted text in order to post a non-clickable version… or just take out the dot. :slight_smile:

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Due to the nature of the package changing prices based on what you might already own, I do not believe this can be gifted.

HOWEVER, you can gift the bnet balance to this friend (by friend i mean me wheeee) and then they can buy the package themselves for whatever the dynamic prise is for them.

I know it kind of takes the surprise factor of just seeing it out of the equation, but I think it is the best solution.

Edit: I should have gone with my gut feeling that this was all answered haha

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it would be real nice to be able to gift token balance to a friend so they can buy the cats I swear blizz really likes to just find ways to put a halt on fun and generosity. I understand why the cat pack cant be gifted cuz for me its 25 and my friend its 40 but letting us share balance from tokens isnt going to hurt anything. Why punish the 99% of legitimate players for the 1% that want to abuse things.

Chances are there are legal issues that sadly this forum won’t be able to go into. If you buy a token for any reason, just consider it for yourself, if you want to gift though, that is not a funding source you can use. No punishment is intended.


Why buy a Blizz balance card to cover the cost for your friend (plus any taxes) and send that to your friend?

CUZ That cost USD not gold I dont have much money and hevent payed a dime for anything wow related since tokens launched. I much rather work in game and turn that effort into something I can give since due to issues I really rather not get into money isnt something that is easy for me to come by.