Can't finish Cape of Stranglethorn quests for Loremaster

I have a “Piracy” buff that I can’t get rid of, and I’ve looked at WoWhead. I’m stuck at quest “Up to Snuff”
Any help would be appreciated to get rid of this buff, since all the pirates are “friendly”. They’re set to Hated and at war in my reputations.

I’ve done all of the other quests leading up to where people are suggesting the debuff was cleared.

I submitted a ticket, but an automated response locked and “resolved” my ticket.

Oddly enough, I can see that you have completed “Attracting Attention”, which is the quest that is supposed to remove that buff.

Mind if I take a look at the character? You just need to jump onto a different character and let me know.


I’m not sure why the buff isn’t being removed, everything I could find indicates Attacting Attention should do it. You might try completing the other quests in the line.

I also found some advice on WoWhead where the player completed “The Brashtide Crew”, and that seemed to have done the trick.

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Apologies, I’d gone into town after I made the post. I appreciate you looking into it. I think my wowhead profiler was ticking off a quest as completed that I hadn’t done.

In case anyone somehow searching this topic and finds themselves suffering sea madness too, I finished these and it removed the buff, but it did require all of the quests from the Bloodsail pirates to be completed in the ships all the way south before it went away:

Thanks very much, Vrakthris :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: