Can't find my old high level characters

I quit playing some time mid MoP. At the time I had one of every (or almost every) class to max level.

I was considering coming back but I can’t find my old characters. I installed WoW again but haven’t yet renewed my subscription. I went and logged into every US Realm in the list and did find a number of characters, but none of my old high level ones I’m interested in bringing back. (The old characters are especially important as they had heirloom items)

Up front, I can’t remember the realm they were on. At some point I consolidated all of my (high level) characters t0 a single Realm & account

I’m guessing it’s one of a couple of things, but would greatly appreciate help from Blizz to find my old characters before I pay for a subscription.

  • I used to have mutliple accounts & subscriptions. I think I combined them all at some point. From my profile page I can see my other accounts, but I’m not sure how I can switch to them if the characters are in one of the other accounts
  • Even if the characters are on another account assistance in figuring out which account the characters are under would be a huge help
  • Servers have merged and split, if a character was on a server that no longer exists where would they be?
  • I don’t remember the Realm they were on anymore, and I can only remember a couple of the character names at this point (but it looks like all my characters have been renamed from changes to Blizz/WoW naming procedures/backend/stuff)

A level squish happened before Shadowlands (oops) and the max level is now 70. I’m not sure what the cap was in Pandaria but your old max level characters would have been cut a little over half level wise.

That might help you solve your issue. Otherwise there’s a pretty large post near the top of this forum that asks about finding old toons.

Edit to link to the character finding thread;

The level squish that took place with Shadowlands is probably a big factor here, as mentioned above me. WoWPedia actually has some nifty list to show what level was squished to what new level.

But as to finding your characters? A bit of a workaround until a SFA potentially peeks in is the make sure you’re logged into the right account, and try using one of the self-service tools. It will list each of your characters attacked to that account and what level/realm they’re on.

You can give that a shot by going here:


That link is really nifty! I’ll need to keep that in mind.


Right? I had seen someone else suggest it a while back and it’s at least a shot in finding a missing character - provided one is logged into the proper account. ^^

You do have a few WoW licenses on this account with characters here and there. It does look like you consolidated your high level characters onto a single license though, it’s mostly low level characters left on the other licenses.

The WoW license with the level 35 Draenei Shaman on Uldaman looks to be that license.

Hopefully, the reference I made helps. Even though we don’t use the WoW license name to log in anymore, I still would rather avoid giving that out. :slight_smile: Let me know if you need other references though.

Edit: Looks like you have game time on that license, so I guess you have it figured out.

Except for Wrath of the Lich King, we have never merged or consolidated realms. We have connected realms, but the realm itself would still be visible to you as an option to select.

Looking at what appears to be your main WoW license it looks like most of your characters are on Uldaman. There is a level 90 Gnome Mage on Proudmoore.

Keep in mind, those characters will have squished when you log into them, so they will appear to be level 35 or so.

If you are looking for a specific character, try to provide a name/race/class and I’ll see if I can find it.


I did indeed find them. I was dumb and didn’t see the license/account select on the loader.

Much appreciation to everyone for their assistance :slight_smile:

P.S. Took a while to find my heirloom items. Anyone care to spot me a few G gold? I need to buy upgrades for my heirlooms now :frowning:


Just as a by the by, and to perhaps save you from the worry? Heirlooms do not give any XP bonuses anymore, on the off-chance you were unaware. They’re handy so that you’re not having to stress over gear too much in the process, but leveling is not so dependent on them as it’s pretty quick even without.


New problem If you can help Vrakthis…

I can’t join a guild, use the TP, etc. It tells me I’m using a trial account, which doesn’t make sense since I’ve got my shaman up to 50 now.

It doesn’t look like anything is pending. Your subscription and all that is complete, so as long as you are logging into the correct license you should have full access.

Is that the one on Uldaman? It looks to be level 47. Did you round up? I just want to check that I’m looking at the right license.

If I am, while logged out of the game, try resetting your password. That should force the account to update and hopefully remove those restrictions.


Password reset worked, muchas gracias amigo


I am having a similar issue where the last time I played was when pandaria was going on around 2014. I had a level 90 dwarf paladin tank. I signed back on recently and renewed my subscription but I can’t find my old character. Do you know a fix?

Thank you

You only have two active characters on this license/bnet, Lancebuck.

I suspect you have another battlenet account under anothr email.

Do you remember a name/realm?


Also there are no level 90 characters anymore, there was a level squish during Shadow lands. The top level now is 80 and that was just raised for the new expansion that just came out. So if you are looking for a level 90 character you won’t find one, it will be (I believe) level 60 or lower.