Can't Equip Crafted Shields

Protection Paladin here, can no longer equip Monel-Hardened crafted shields. I unequipped my green quality shield, level 225, can’t re-equip. I made a new one, it upgraded to blue level 233, can’t equip that either. Error message is “You will never be able to equip that item.”

I have the same issue with crafted i415 gear. I opened a ticket today in technical probs… sent in a few screen shots and spent almost an hour with a GM (Vladosiky). The GM was able to put my gear on, however it would remain red in the item slot and an armor icon appeared on the right side of my screen with those (crafted) items showing as broken. I have the same error message as you “you will never be able to equip that item”
After going round & round a few times with the gear and the GM, they said there was one other reported issue (yours). Since both of us are having issues with craftable gear the GM is pointing the Devs to look into it. I was also told to point anyone else with similar issues to this thread.
One other thing, which may or may not be relevant but I changed races a week or so ago and that may also be adding to the gear equip conflict. By chance have you recently changed race?


The paladin that was having issues has been a Dranei since BC. so no racial change.

However, I have a dwarf pally also using a crafted shield, but his is ally crafted. You can tell which faction made it by what motif it has. His had an anchor on the shield, the dranei has a Zandalri motif on hers. Same exact name on both crafted shields. I was able to rectify the problem by using my own BS to create a shield of the correct faction.

What bugs me is that it didn’t make a difference who wore what crafted item created by whoever pre-patch, but now it seems to. I know lots of people will be ticked off having spent a fair amount of gold and finding out they can no longer use some crafted items because of stealth faction requirements added to them. Whether this was intentional or not, who knows?

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Same issue. Crafted as Alliance before the latest patch and now can’t keep using it. Would have been so much better for the fix to have just updated the item code for Alliance players. I understand it’s fixing a bug, but just feels wrong and ‘quick’. Typical.

Same issue here. Also i am Horde so it is not an alliance faction only thing.

Yep, same thing on my lvl 114 prot pally. Shes got a monel-hardened shield of the quickblade equipped… Name is Nerayil. Soo… is Blizz gonna compensate me for gold spent on this if i cant use it??

Level 111 Dwarf prot Warrior, can no longer use my [Monel-Hardened Shield]. What a great update, Blizzard…not important enough to fix right away, eh?
Just for reference, here’s the “update” from March 13, 2019:
" * Fixed an issue with items such as Monel-Hardened Shield that caused them to be unequippable."

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Same thing happens to me with my 415 BS belt.

logged onto this character just now. could not do any shield abilities so i took off the shield and now i can never use it ?

it is a crafted 225 item level Monel-Hardened Shield of the Aurora.

so this character is back to using the Artifact shield for the moment

It seems to be crafted shields only. I was able to equip a lvl 209 shield when I got it. PLEASE fix this.

Monel Hardened Shield is faction specific.

Horde ID: 161890
Alliance ID: 152818

Neither faction can equip it now. Bug reported first about 3 weeks ago.

This is still a problem, my human warrior can’t equip her Monel-Hardened Shield of the Feverflare. It has the Zandalari motif, yet I’m quite sure I crafted the item myself on that particular character, who has had blacksmithing and been a human warrior since 2004.

I have had this same issue with my Ele Shaman, I even switched to Restro and was given the same message. Don’t know what is causing it, but I until it get fixed, I can’t really level up that character.

February 12 2020 and I just logged onto an alt, same exact problem.
Can’t use shield abilities and once I took the shield off, could not equip.
I guess I’ll open a ticket…

Had the same problem on my Paladin today. Just became 111 and tried to equip a monel-hardened shield but got the error message. It appears though that blacksmiths were able to make the opposite faction version before. The recipe has been replaced and I was able to make a new shield on my blacksmith. My Paladin was able to equip the new shield.