I added an authenticator to my account so that I could use the Group Finder on WoW, but the game is still telling me I need to attach an Authenticator and “SMS Protect” - but there’s no option to add that anywhere. Its not on my battle net account settings, in the app, or on the launched. I already have a phone number attached to my account.
Why won’t you let me use your game even though I’ve already downloaded your silly app? I pay so much for this game and for so long, but you can’t fix simple inconveniences like this? What the hell?
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As explained by Kozzae’s previous post:
The actual solution was just that Blizzards services have lag, so even after adding my phone number and an Authenticator it still took about an hour to be able to create custom LFR groups.
As for the posts above, they’re not really helpful as I had already gone through those pages and I actively play the game so I know you can make groups without custom text. The issue was that adding SMS Protect and an Authenticator still didnt let me edit text, and the reason is because Blizzard chooses to have a low refresh rate on whatever service job runs this account config, without even saying somewhere “this can take about an hour to take effect”.
Usually I warn 30 minutes for any account change to propagate through the account system, and it might take a fresh login to the launcher and game. I
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