I’m playing an alt in Legion right now and have multiple bonus objectives showing on the map in Stormheim that will not trigger, meaning I cannot complete them.
I’m at 8/8 story completion for the zone, world quests work fine, and I can do bonus objectives anywhere else.
This is not my first time playing through Legion and I’ve never encountered this issue on any other character.
The objectives in question are: The Brood of Nithogg, Raze Hel, Assault on Skold-Ashil, Drive Back the Tideskorn, and Rout the Bilgefin Invaders.
Running around in the objective area and killing the mobs does nothing. The Bonus Objective simply will not start.
For context, the character is level 51 and started Legion content at 50. Was able to do bonus objectives in Stormheim just fine on this character until a few days ago and now I’m stuck with these that I cannot do.