Can't deposit gold in my warbank?

I’ve been trying for the last three days to deposit gold into my warbank from all my alts and it isnt working. What do I do to fix this?
Current UI addons are:
Better Bags
Weak Aura’s
BigWigs + Little Wigs
Plus a few more that I don’t think would effect this

The Warbank is still disabled.


Let’s have a little sympathy for the working man. It is the big bosses who set the deadlines, they are the guys who said, “you have to be ready on this date”.

And then the working guy in the cubicle is handed a list, like make all of the mounts dragonflying or revamp the UI or make rep across accounts, huge and challenging projects.

We see in this pre-patch that the guys didn’t make the deadline and the boss would not budge an inch. Pride was on the line and those big bosses now have to answer to the new owners.

If I see that the warband bank isn’t working yet, I’m okay with it – we have a lot of time until the expansion with not much to do. It’ll be okay. I’m certainly not going to dump on those working guys.


I’ve been able to deposit gear into my Warband bank, but I just tried putting money in there and it didn’t work.

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I was able to deposit gold from several alts in there yesterday.

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You are lucky, i think it has something to do with Elvui